Although I don't shoot this discipline I have had some experience with verbiage. As I understand it the rules prohibit "Bull or varmit barrels" from the hunter class. Sounds to me you are good to go. Your gun is described as a varmit rifle, which has to do with what it may have been designed to shoot. This part is very important to the validation of your rifle in the hunter calss, the word varmit is descriptive of the gun, not the barrel, in fact the barrel meets established and published requirements to be included in the hunter class. You gun was theoretically designed to shoot varmits, therefore to hunt, ergo it is a hunting gun and as I said has a barrel that meets all established criteria. In summation (your Honor) since it meets all established criteria AND is a hunting gun, it should be allowed in the hunter class. Do not confuse a description of the gun with the type of barrel, they are two separate and distinct things and each will stand on its own. It appears the entire question of it's eligibility in the hunter class revolves around the mistaken idea that the name of a gun has to do with what type of barrel is on the gun, the type of barrel must be determined by looking at the BARREL, not the guns name, otherwise what would stop anyone from taking an action from a field model Remington 700 and fitting it with a non-conforming barrel and demanding that it be allowed to be shot in the hunter class....<><.... :grin: