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Offline barber

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need information
« on: June 08, 2004, 08:02:47 AM »
I have an older Contender, given to me by my brother, who bought it, knowing no more about it than I do. It has a Thompson Center Arms  'scope marked  4RP, Does this mean it is a 4 power? It doesn't seem very powerful.  When one shoots this, do you have your arms fully extended, or  half way bent, to see thru' the 'scope? I have a .223 barrel, a 6mmtcu barrel, and a .357 Rem, Max barrel. Which of the last 2 would be best for deer? Would they be good for black bear, or elk? Are there any 'scopes that have more , or larger field of view? The view seems to be better thru' the 'scope if it's held closer to the eye.  I haven't shot it yet, I have a book coming from Amazon  some day, if they ever ship it. Appreciate any and all help or suggestions. Thanks

Offline Steve P

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« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2004, 09:53:22 AM »
The 6tcu with 90-100 grain bullet would work for deer if right bullet pushed real fast is used i.e  95 gr partition.

357 max will work for bear if loaded with 200-210 at about 1700.  Still have to hit them good.  

Would not use any of the above for elk.

There are lots of scopes out there.  Check e-bay for selection of good used ones.   Your old TC 4x scope is good to keep on the 223 for shots under 200 yard.  If shooting farther, you will need a better scope.  

Steve   :D
"Life is a play before an audience of One.  When your play is over, will your audience stand and applaude, or stay seated and cry?"  SP 2002

Offline jhalcott

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« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2004, 02:55:03 PM »
you should sell the ugly thing to me,and forget you ever owned it!  :lol: The "RP" stands for recoil proof,T/c stamped them that way. Depending on where you hunt any of those 3 can take white tails(IF) you hit them correctly.I'd use the 6mm and 357max personally, leaving the223 for small stuff.I would hate to have to shoot a bear with any of them,but the max will work OK.
  As far as how to hold the gun,get it on a sand bag and move it to and fromyour eye till you get a full scope picture.That is how your arms should be when shooting. I've got long arms(37" sleeve) and few scopes allow me to extend my arms full length.I use a rest almost every time I shootnow and don't regret it.  jh