Author Topic: concealed carry license or not?  (Read 1320 times)

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Offline dragonhunter80

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concealed carry license or not?
« on: March 28, 2004, 04:54:16 PM »
Wondering if i can get some opinions here on everyones way of thinking about having a concealed weapon/CWL.

A friend of mine basically says, it is pointless to have it.  He carries his gun in his car (allowed by FL laws w/o a permit) and of course to and from his car from his house in a secure holster (also OK by FL law).  He says carrying a concealed weapon while you are walking around in public is just asking for trouble.  his purpose for having it is to protect himself if there is someone robbing his house when he comes home.

To me, there is a little more to it than that, or why would there be a reason for anyone to bother with a CWL?  Not that i plan on pulling my concealed gun out whenever i feel like it, but ya never know when you might have to.... Tho i know there may be a whole set of other consequences if you do....

So, i am just wondering on what everyone's thoughts are on having a concealed carry gun, if you carry it all the time/no matter where you go (within the laws limits of course), and what your thougths are on ever having to use it or have you used it?



Offline Daveinthebush

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Back in New York
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2004, 07:15:07 PM »
I had a permit and the first thing I did when stopped by a policeman was to inform him of such and where my gun was.  I think it made them feel better because: 1. They already had my fingerprints on file. 2. I already had a FBI, state police and local sheriff background check. 3. I was upfront and honest with them.

And I never got a ticket!

Alaska just did away with them.  Everyone was carrying anyways as you could always carry when camping, hiking, hunting and fishing.
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Offline williamlayton

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2004, 11:59:05 PM »
I got one a couple of years ago, after carrying for 40 yrs without one. Texas is also a state that allowed carry in a vehicle when traveling. There are a lot of other parts to this law but those are the basics.
Everybody, well most folks anyway, had one in their car when I was growing up. I even carried it on my person on occasion.
I got one, after a lot of thought, because it was an opportunity to do this legally. I do not always have it on me but I always have it in the vehicle.
I don't feel the need most of the time but i sure do like it under certain circumstances, like at night, in certain parts of town, unfamiliar circumsatnces.

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2004, 12:45:48 AM »
Here is my thought on CCW. I carry all the time. Why carry to and from your car, from the house and leave gun in you car?  :roll:  It would do you no good if you were in a store or any place else, if the gun was in your car. As far as asking for trouble just because you are carrying is plain ludicrous. If anything I have noticed is, after my CCW training and how they pounded it in our heads about being responsible for our actions with a gun made me think a lot different when carrying a firearm. There were a lot of people that dropped out of the CCW class because the responsibility of carrying a firearm. Ask your friend what he would do if he or a family member was being attacked leaving a mall or park, what  would he do with his gun in his car!!!!!! Become a victim.  :eek:
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Offline jhm

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2004, 03:43:52 AM »
I carry all of the time am on my 3rd. renew of a ccw and dont regret it at all, after a while you get used to having it and you feel lost without it, as far as what would I do if put into the position of needing it I hope I would do the right thing but none of us can honestly answer that until we are put into that position, hope I never need it but it will be there in the event I do  :D    JIM

Offline L-Roy

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All the time,
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2004, 08:05:55 AM »
If you don't, you won't have it when you need it!

I deplore the idea of the taxation of a Constitutionally guaranteed right; but, I obey the law of the land.

Carrying is a mindset.  It will change the way you think; it will change the places you frequent;  it will change the way you dress;  it will change your group of friends;  it will change the way you walk (I feel unbalanced without that extra weight!);  it will change the way/where you stand/sit in public;  it WILL change your chances of survival in the world in which you lives today, if you carry all the time!

Carry on!

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Offline Ron T.

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2004, 08:19:34 AM »
The purpose of carrying a concealed weapon is to stop a crime from happening, NOT to become the town bully.  Therefore, if carrying a concealed weapon makes you feel like you’re “bad”… then you should NOT be carrying because you have the wrong attitude.

On the other hand, if you wish to carry a concealed weapon for the purposes of protecting yourself, your loved ones, other honest citizens and your property from criminal attack or from those who would do harm, then by all means, do whatever is required to obtain a concealed carry permit from your State authorities.

I believe the vast majority of folks who carry concealed weapons (legally or otherwise… except for “criminals”, of course) are decent, reasonable people who are only being careful in a society that isn’t always so nice or polite.

If your State has a concealed carry permit system and you wish to carry a concealed weapon, then by all means, do whatever is required and be SURE to GET THE PERMIT.   The last thing we need to is make more criminals out of honest citizens.  The “anti-gun” people would LOVE that!!!

Ohio recently passed their conceal carry law which becomes effective on April 7th.   I have already signed up my wife of 45 years and myself for the required CCW class, even though I don’t really feel I need the class because I have been a very active hunter a for over 50 years… and an active shooter & reloader for well over 40 years.

BUTTTTTTT… that is the law… and I’m a law-abiding man.. so I’ll take the classes & get my State CCW permit even though I feel any CCW permit system is in direct violation of my 2nd Amendment rights as honest, law-abiding American citizen to “keep and bear arms”..

On the other hand, my wife NEEDS the classes because she hasn’t fired a practice shot more than a few times since I taught her to shoot right after we got married in 1959.  Of course, I could take her to my club’s shooting range and give her the opportunity to “practice” without having to pay a training class fee of $150 for EACH of us to attend the classes plus a $45 “fee” for the issuance of EACH permit plus a “renewal fee”, after 4 years, of $25 EACH.  I could buy a lot of reloading components for $440… the total cost of the classes for two of us ($300)… plus the initial permit fee (2 x $45) & renewal fee in 4 years (2 x $25), that totals $440… I could reload a lot of ammo for $440 which would give my wife plenty of “opportunity” to do a LOT of “practice” shooting.  But… the law is the law.

Like most others who carry or intend to carry a concealed weapon, I hope I never had to use it, BUT… if I do have to use it, I hope I don’t have to shoot anyone.  As the retail business owner/manager of an office machines sales & service company for almost 40 years, I had to “show” a gun three times to stop a crime… and in every case, just “showing” the gun stopped the bad guy(s) from carrying out their dirty deeds.  In Ohio, a business owner or an employee can legally carry a concealed weapon on the business’s premises.

But most of us are willing to tolerate the State “taxing” us (i.e., their “fees” are actually a “tax”) to exercise our 2nd Amendment RIGHT to “keep and BEAR arms” as long as they don’t use that “fee” or “tax” to destroy our right to keep and “bear” (as in “concealed carry”) those arms.  (“The power to tax is the power to destroy.”-Ben Franklin)

But carrying concealed weapons is something who’s time has come… and I think it’s a good idea.  I agree with the background check as well… we don’t want criminals legally carrying concealed weapons without any penalty.  So if we must have one, the permit system is better than honest, law-abiding citizens not legally being able to carry concealed weapons.

Ok, I’ve tossed in my 2¢ worth…

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Ron T.
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Offline Mikey

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Permit or not
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2004, 08:56:43 AM »
dragonhunter80:  once you get your permit your background and credibility have been verified and you are validated as a law abiding citizen.  I'm not certain about Florida, although I have a carry permit for that state as well as my home state, but I know that you go through a very intensive background check before you can get a permit issued to you.  Some guys are a bit unnecessarily paranoid about the background check but need not be.  It simply verifies you as one of the good guys.

Look at it this way - it makes you absolutely legal and allows you reciprocity should you travel from home to another state.  Can't do that legally if you don't have a permit, and subjects to to arrest if caught.  If licensed, they can gripe about it and delay you for a bit while checking you out, but you stay out of jail and do not lose your property to confiscation.  

One thing I do know about pistol permit background checks is that for private citizens the darn things are more exhaustive than many police background checks on new recruits.  So that puts you at the top of the heap, which is where we should be.  HTH.  Mikey.

Offline dragonhunter80

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concealed carry license or not? - THANKS
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2004, 12:21:39 PM »
Just wanted to say thank you for all who replied.  I feel it is better to carry my gun with me - and pray i never need to use it.  My freind feels that even if he has it, if he ends up pulling it he can get in trouble for "brandishing a firearm".  To me, whatever fine i get for showing it is worth it if i am still alive to pay it!


Offline xnmr53

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2004, 01:14:45 PM »
There is one other aspect of carrying that hasn't been addressed (or else I missed it).  You are responsible for that weapon, much like having an attack dog. Leaving it unattended in the car where it can easily be stolen is not being responsible, to my mind. I prefer to have it in my possession and under my direct control.

Offline Mark Harmes

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2004, 12:19:26 AM »
Another great reason for getting one regardless if you can carry w/o a permit in your state, is that many states have reciprocity. So if you have a permit you can legally carry in other states. Don't think I'd try that without one. Also I have been an outdoorsman and hunter since I was 12 , now 36, but never shot handguns much. I think just taking the class taught me alot, and I have actively tried to persuade all my family and friends to take the course regardless if they decide to carry or not.

Offline papajohn428

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2004, 10:46:30 AM »
I work in Missouri, and the building I'm in has just put up signs at the entrances that say, "Firearms are NOT permitted".......which seems pretty funny to me.  I'm sitting here 20 feet away, very plainly wearing a gun!
The new law here says state residents over 21 can keep a gun in their car, but you can't take it with you anywhere else, until you get your carry permit.  So while you're technically responsible for the safety of your gun, you can't remove it from the car, and have to leave it there, where it (and/or the car) can be stolen.  Sounds like a trick bag to me!
I remember a survey taken several years ago that said that one in seven vehicles contained a firearm.  I remember thinking that there weren't that many criminals, statistically.  Oh yeah, they must be counting the Armed Citizens!  And this was in a state that had no CCW law....Missouri!   :eek:
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Offline BamBams

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2004, 12:09:02 PM »
I think leaving a firearm in a vehicle, unattended, is a BAD idea. I carry 99% of the time, and I got my permit for convenience sake. We are an "open carry" state, but I'd much rather carry concealed.  It gives me some advantage if someone wants to make me a victim, and I don't have to worry about where I left my gun -- it is always right there by my side.
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Offline Tusker

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Carry or Not???
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2004, 09:13:28 AM »
There is, to say the least, quite a bit to this, and the subject is far from cut and dry. I carried in one form or the other for many years. In those days, to be legal, you had to pay some one off in VA. Fact: some paid an ATT:20,000 in legal fees to get a permit. That is crap---- So times changed, the fact that all but I believe 4 states have CCW, in one from or the other.Or none required --should speak volumes. So of course I sure did get a permit when time allowed. I carry where and when ever allowed. I work in a secured building-- NO firearms allowed---- Other than that, for the most part I WILL have something on hand. YOU -- WILL be held accountable for your actions. :-)


Offline Cameron

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2004, 06:24:27 PM »
check out    for more info on state laws and issues related to concealed weapons carry and use.

Offline Bikenut

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2004, 09:37:16 AM »
I have to side with the others who have said that leaving a gun unattended in a car is a bad idea. It is one thing to provide a thief with your wheels.... but quite another to also provide that same thief with a gun at the same time. I wouldn't like coming back to my truck to see it in the process of being stolen only to have my OWN gun shoved in my face! Vehicles are easily broken into for a "smash and grab" where the bad guy doesn't take the car but takes everything that is in it. And rest assurred they look in the glove box and under the seats hoping to find the really good stuff the owner was trying to hide.

This brings up the thorny problem of responsibility too. A gun owner is responsible for keeping a firearm out of the hands of anyone who is not authorized to have it. Which basicly means everyone else in the whole wide world except the gun owner themselves. (I'm leaving out when ya let someone try your gun at the range because this isn't about being at the range). So............. leaving a gun where it could easily be stolen makes the gun owner liable for what the thief does with that gun. Scary thing!

And then there is the logical thing. If a person wants to or feels they have a need to have a gun close by then it is only logical to have the gun close by. And the closest it can be is carried on the body somewhere. Otherwise that gun is of no use and it may as well have been left home under lock and key.

I personally think that if anyone makes the decision that they want to, or need to, carry a gun it should be carried on the body somewhere. If it isn't where it is easily and instantly available..... it is useless.
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Re: concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2004, 04:59:36 PM »
Quote from: dragonhunter80
He says carrying a concealed weapon while you are walking around in public is just asking for trouble.  


I would have to disagree with your friends logic. Having driven on the streets and freeways here in Phoenix, I would say that having one in your car presents as much or more opportunity for mis-use. Road rage is a growing phenomenom. If carrying in public is asking for trouble for your friend, then he definitley shouldn't be carrying in his car. I think the decision to carry should be based on your own maturity and self control. Carrying all the time is a huge responsibility and requires someone who is not easily riled up. If your a hot head, leave your gun at home, or better yet, sell them.

I also think there is somewhat of a hero complex out there when it comes to carrying. I think that there are some individuals who see themselves as being ready to save the day. I have thought about this long and hard, and now being a retired cop, I have eliminated certain situations where I previously would have produced my firearm and taken action, now as an armed citizen I would not.

Offline williamlayton

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2004, 01:22:11 AM »
There are places/times when carrying you cannot take the weapon with you when you leave. It is better I think to have it in the vehicle than not to have it at all.
That being said, there are ways to secure the weapon in the vehicle.
Now lets be logical here, there is no possible, 100% sure, impossible to prevent way to keep BG'S from getting to weapons. I have had them stolen from my truck and from my home.
PS-I think i'm gonna keep on keepin on.

Offline Ron T.

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2004, 06:26:14 AM »
Ya know what, fellas?

What I see written here in this forum is mostly good, common sense thinking… from decent, reasonable men.

None of us want to arm the “bad guys” by leaving our guns in our cars or trucks, yet none of us want to become a “crime victim” either.  And this is where our “good, common sense thinking” will prevail.

As example, if I were going to one of my Grandchildren’s plays at their school in Vandalia, Ohio (population:  14,000 middle and upper-middle class people), would I take my concealed weapon along?  The answer is “No… not onto school property (illegal in Ohio).”

“Reason” dictates that there would be comparatively little ‘danger’ of an attempted assault or other crime at a school play or a school-related gathering in a upper-middle class neighborhood in a small town compared to the average danger on the street or freeway of a larger city.  Yes, it “might” happen, but it’s very, VERY unlikely.

While I intend to carry a concealed weapon most of the time when I’m “out and about” as soon as I obtain my CCW permit, there will be times when it will be illegal to do so (in bars or restaurants that serve liquor, in govt. buildings, on school property, in churches, etc.).  Again, “common sense” must prevail… and I’m sure that the vast majority of those of us who have or will soon have CCW permits will use that “common sense” which isn’t so “common” in the general population anymore.

I’m getting my CCW permit to take care of my own “fanny” and those who are with me… I.E., “self-defense”.  Naturally, I won’t stand by and see violent crimes be committed on innocent victims, but I don’t intend to become a “vigilante” or a ”wannabe” law-enforcement officer, that’s not my purpose… nor my “job”.

And, frankly, I honestly believe that is the way the vast majority of CCW permit holders are intending to be… not “vigilantes”… not “peace officers”, but just “citizens” who want to protect themselves and their loved ones from vicious criminals.

Will I shoot a kid or even an adult who is trying to steal my car?  No… that’s why I buy insurance!  My concealed weapon is STRICTLY for “self-defense”… and nothing more.

Would I feel “bad” if I were forced to shoot someone in self-defense?  Of course I would.  Who “wants” to shoot another human being?  But would I shoot them without hesitation if I or a loved one was “threatened” with violence?

You betcha… in a New York minute!  But I would HATE to be forced to do it.  But then, I “HATE” to pay taxes too… but I do it.

“COMMON SENSE”, gentleman… common sense is the “key” to using our concealed weapons REASONABLY!  And I believe that the vast majority of CCW permit holders/CCW carriers not only have a great deal of “common sense”, but that they’ve consistently demonstrated (in the past) that they not only have it, but USE it well!

Strength & Honor…

Ron T.
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."  - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: All the time,
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2004, 12:44:11 AM »
Quote from: L-Roy
SNIP.............  Carrying is a mindset.  It will change the way you think; it will change the places you frequent;  it will change the way you dress;  it will change your group of friends;  it will change the way you walk (I feel unbalanced without that extra weight!);  it will change the way/where you stand/sit in public;  it WILL change your chances of survival in the world in which you lives today, if you carry all the time!
Carry on!

I couldn't agree more; it is definitely a mindset. To carry or not is an individual decision; if you choose to carry however, CARRY ALL THE TIME!

Offline 44 Man

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2004, 07:09:24 AM »
Remember the lady in Libby's that watched her parents killed while her concealed carry pistol was in her car?  She thought she would only need it in parking lots or in "bad places".  She may have been able to have stopped that whole situation.  And are schools safe?  Remember Columbine?  A teacher or custodian with a CCW could have stopped that also.  We are not allowed to carry in schools/bars/government buildings and churches either, but outside of that, my gun goes EVERYWHERE with me!  I think it is foolish to advertise to the bad guys that there are places where guns are not allowed.  Duh.  If they thought that there even "might" be someone armed there, they would think twice.  44 Man
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Offline williamlayton

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2004, 02:13:45 PM »
I'm with you all the way. I will carry anywhere I logically can but there are places I just do not feel like tempting the man. I ignore home depots signs and such but try to keep em out of schools, hospitals, doctors office's, ect.
As i said many times i have been carrying illegally for so long I almost didn't bother to get a ccw.

Offline Walosi

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concealed carry license or not?
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2004, 01:10:26 PM »
I had an instructors certificate, and held CCDW classes, for the first three years we had our law. Instructors names and contact info are posted in the sheriffs office, for those who request them. Even after I let my certificate lapse, I kept getting referrals - the sheriff said it was because I took the time to explain fees, training, and other details, and beause I was retired, I was almost always home.
I found a surprising number of people who were asking about licensing were in my age bracket, and decided to continue carrying without the license. Their reasoning was pretty much the same, "I'm 60, have been living on the same piece of ground all my life, and if the sheriff doesn't know me for what I am, he should. The state and the feds can go to hell". I've carried for over 40 years of my 70, and I worked for the legislation to make it legal. Some of my carry was legal, and some was otherwise, and for the life of me, I can't fault the reasoning these people use, even though I prefer to be legal when possible. Most were pastretirement age, with SS and maybe some sort of small pension to help things along, but the fairly low cost of a license here is still a huge chunk out of a retirees monthly bill. Still, I got the feeling that even if the state waived the fees, most of them would continue on as they always had, out of good old, hardheaded independence.