Author Topic: JDJ VS GNR  (Read 630 times)

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Offline mkee

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« on: May 19, 2004, 07:25:09 AM »
I'm thinking of getting one of the two in a 41 cal.  Gary Reeder makes a 41 GNR # 2, and JDJones has the 416 JDJ.  Anybody had any experience with these?  How do they compare in recoil, pressure on the Contender frame?

Offline crawfish

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« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2004, 03:03:27 PM »
Have a 14 inch Contender in .41GNR#2 and 12 inch Contender in .411JDJ both are a hand full. I really like the .41GNR#2 and have use it to kill the largest animal I ever had occasion to run up on. Of the two, because of the case size, the .411JDJ can really be pushed to scary levels in a Contender. I also like it but haven’t had it as long as the Reeder gun. Recoil depending on how much powder you dare to stuff into that BIG old .444Marlin case can be daunting. Funny thing is that I load both to about the same power level just waste alllll that space in the .411JDJ case by leaving it empty. :grin:  The recoil of my .41GNR#2 loaded heavy isn't  to stiff but  more than a like sized .44RemMag but less than a heavy loaded .454. Nothing I can tell you will really help you much. I've been shooting big heavy loaded handguns for a bunch of years and only the very biggest (45-70, .475, 500s' and .454) are uncomfortable for me.
Love those .41s'

Offline mkee

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« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2004, 05:00:49 PM »
thanks crawfish,
The 45-70 is the hardest hitting I've shot so far.  Shot a 375 JDJ that everyone says is so bad, but would shoot it anyday over a 44 mag as far as felt recoil is concerned.  I've been thinking of getting the GNR for a while, so now I just need to save the money for one.
Thanks again,

Offline crawfish

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« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2004, 10:13:50 AM »
Gary puts out a great product. I have two of his guns, the .41GNR#2 and a SBH in .41RemMag and .41GNR. I would have had a third but for an elbow in my granddaughter's mouth that destroyed $4800 worth of braces that had to be fixed. :cry:  Thank goodness for good insurance. :-)
Love those .41s'

Offline Deaf Smith

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« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2004, 11:34:56 AM »
How about some details on both cartridges and the differences and simularities between the two. also the load efficency between the two such as velicity per grain of power for both does it take more powder to get the same velicity in either round? which is the more efficent cartridge.
Wondering not just about these rounds but all GNR vs JDJ rounds.
Jim L
Jim L
Proud TFL alumnus

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Offline jem375

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« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2004, 06:41:35 AM »
well, having both a 44 mag and a 375JDJ, I find it hard to believe that you are comparing the JDJ to having less recoil than a 44 mag....I don't know what load you are using but there is no comparison in the two, the 44 mag is a pussy cat compared to the 375...............
life is too short to spend it with an ugly gun....