I've owned both a Glock model 20 (10mm) and a Glock model 22 (.40 S&W). I sold the 20 to a close friend, and still have the model 22. The main reason for this was the model 20, while an excellent firearm, had a grip that was just slightly too large for my own comfort. The model 22 has almost identical (within 10 or 15%, if I remember right) ballistics to a model 20, but in a smaller size gun that is more comfortable(for me at least) to hold.
If you don't mind the grip size, then by all means go for the 20 - it is a more versatile firearm that (with the right barrel changeout) can fire .357 Sig, .40 S&W, 10mm, and the 10mm equivalent of the .357 Sig (I forget the cartridge name - sorry). Also, in it's "native" 10mm configuration, is a slightly better round than the .40 S&W ballistically and should be better for hunting purposes.
I did not notice much of a difference in "kick" between the two pistols, they were both very comfortable to shoot.
Best wishes,