:cb2: You've got better advise here than I could give you about the gun, but here's my 2ยข worth about the leather.
Hunter Holster Co. makes to models that can easily carry a scoped handgun. The 68-200 is a bandoleer holster and the 68-100 is the same thing in a hip holster. (I have the hip model for a .44 7.5" Bisley, and one for a 6" S&W 617. I just wear my CAS gunbelt and have plenty of ammo.)
www.huntercompany.com/hunter.htmlNext, just because it looks so darn good, I'm gonna get the Pistol Packing bandoleer holster. I have not seen one up close and in person, however, I have heard a lot of nice things about it here on this forum.
www.pistolpackaging.com/Oh, and of course Cabela's has an good economical nylon bandoleer in either black or camo that will probably carry it pretty well.
Good luck! Let us know what you decide to do. (Hey, we'll back ya what ever choice ya make. We're on your side.)