Author Topic: Just Wondering...  (Read 889 times)

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Just Wondering...
« on: June 28, 2004, 05:38:28 PM »
lol well you just got realy realy luckie
your want the new ruger super black hawk hunter stainless/ bisley
i seen them in 45 an all so 44 i dunno if its in 41 with the bisley, but ther barrel is eather 7 1/2 or 5 3/4 i could be wrong but i guess thats close as your going to get with out geting the 7 1/2 an cuten it down all so they use ruger rings on the barrel so that means u can pop the rings an scope of at one time an use the irons


Offline Lloyd Smale

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Just Wondering...
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2004, 11:35:46 PM »
All hunters are 7 1/2 and if its going to be scoped it might as well be the long one as your not going to carry it on your hip anyway. One option would be to buy the bisley hunter and forget the scope for now and also buy a super blackhawk in 4 5/8s or 5 1/2 used. You can pick them up on the action sighs for not much more then the price of a GOOD scope. Or send the gun to a gunsmith like Clemments and have him cut the barrel. It should run you in the vacinity of $100 if your new at the handgun hunting game id recomend you start with open sights and learn to shoot that way first. IMO a scope ruins the nice ballance and looks of a single action. They dont pick up light well and at real life handgun hunting ranges dont really help that much.I only have one left a scoped super blackhawk that i use occasionally for stand hunting. But thats only my opinion and alot of people like scoped single actions.
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Offline BlkHawk73

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Just Wondering...
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2004, 01:59:09 AM »
Like mentioned before, you're unlikely to want to carry the gun w/ optics on your hip.  I'd actually suggest going w/o the optics and go with one of the AcuSport Bisleys (still avail in .45lc) They've got 5 1/2" bbls and with the Bisley grip have a very nice balance to them.  If you gotta have the opics, then proberly one of the Hunter models would be easiest for mounting them.  Avail in .41, .44 and .45 with Bisley models avail in the smaller two calibers.  They're 7 1/2" but with optics, they'll be carried in a method other than on your hip.  Got both styles I mention here and enjoy them both.  
   I have scoed a regular .41 blkhawk (6 1/2") balance is different form the other two but that's due to the scope location.
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Offline Bullseye

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Just Wondering...
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2004, 12:33:24 PM »
Cannot really comment about the gun you need, but I cannot agree that a revolver with a scope is too big to carry on your hip.  I carry my Contenders with 10" and 14" barrels with scopes on my hip, just have never seen that big of an issue with it.

Offline 44 Man

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Just Wondering...
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2004, 03:16:09 PM »
Had Ken Kelly at Mag-na-port build a Stalker for me on a FA83 with an 8" bbl with a 2x Bosch & Lomb.  I carry it as it was meant to be carried.  Over my left shoulder with it's sling.  It's out of the way and very fast into action.  Just grasp the butt with your right hand and as you swing it up, the sling slides off your shoulder.  AND I carry a custom 5" SBH on my hip!  (Or a Charter 4" 44 spl, or a SAA .44 spl, or a 1911, or...... well, you get the idea)  44 Man
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Single action revolvers
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2004, 10:17:15 PM »
Hi 44 Man
My best friend is into leather working and he makes me bandelier type rigs
for all my single action revolvers, Since i wear bibbies theres no belt.
He angles them so the butt of the pistol is out front just a little which makes it easy for a fast and clean draw. I have all kinds of belt holsters
but i hate to rear pants, With my bibs i have lots of pockets to hide my plunder in. Take care and stay safe..................Joe............................

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Offline Old Griz

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Just Wondering...
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2004, 08:15:19 PM »
:cb2: You've got better advise here than I could give you about the gun, but here's my 2ยข worth about the leather.

Hunter Holster Co. makes to models that can easily carry a scoped handgun. The 68-200 is a bandoleer holster and the 68-100 is the same thing in a hip holster. (I have the hip model for a .44 7.5" Bisley, and one for a 6" S&W 617. I just wear my CAS gunbelt and have plenty of ammo.)

Next, just because it looks so darn good, I'm gonna get the Pistol Packing bandoleer holster. I have not seen one up close and in person, however, I have heard a lot of nice things about it here on this forum.

Oh, and of course Cabela's has an good economical nylon bandoleer in either black or camo that will probably carry it pretty well.

Good luck! Let us know what you decide to do. (Hey, we'll back ya what ever choice ya make. We're on your side.)

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Offline TennesseeNuc

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Just Wondering...
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2004, 08:09:56 PM »
I carry a SBH Bisley Hunter in an Uncle Mikes shoulder holster.  Once you get the straps adjusted it's a comfortable rig.  You can carry it inside or outside of your coat or jacket.  If your local dealer has that combo in stock, you might want to try it for feel.