Got to shoot the little rifle today. Shot offhand at 25 yards using factory iron sights. Used WW 40 grain HP and CCI 40 grain Maxi Mag TMJ. Drifted the sights slightly to the right, no problem, usual amount of friction and force required. Had to use the third notch for elevation. The 40 grain HP load is dead center and the TMJ may be about 1/2 to 1 inch left. I got offhand groups with the TMJ of about 1 1/2 inch, with the WW hovering at about 2 to 2 1/2 inches. This is the 72C (Carbine), having a 16.5 inch long barrel. Also stainless. So, it seems like a very good trail companion with a little extra ooomph if needed from the .22 mag.