I just got a new PSE Bruin set up with a peep and fiber optic sights, Whisker Biscuit arrow rest, bow sling and stabilizer. My draw length is 29" and I'm shooting PSE Carbon Force arrows with field points using a Tru-Ball caliper release with a D-loop. I burned my arm up with the string when testing bows about a week ago without an armguard. Bad idea! Today I shot my new bow for the first time since taking it from the shop. I wore a long cordura Neet armguard (bends at the elbow) and at one point in the shooting session, darned if it didn't slip around enough (unnoticed by me) to allow me to put another inch long, half-inch wide welt on top of the massive bruise that was just starting to fade!
I'm trying to self-adjust my shooting form to try to minimize these scrapes. I assume the added noise alone is bad news in the field. Evidently, occasional string contact with the forearm is common or armguards wouldn't be standard archery gear. But how often is too often?
I also noticed that my string now looks awfully frayed and fuzzy below the serving where it whacked my armguard several times. Have I ruined my bowstring? Can I shore it up by having the serving extended? Or should I replace the entire bowstring and then have the serving extended to protect the string from excessive wear when I whack the armguard?
A lot of questions, I know. But I am relatively ignorant and trying to rapidly become less so between now and bow season.