Author Topic: Hunting squirrels in Washington  (Read 490 times)

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Offline Squirrelsaurus Rex

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Hunting squirrels in Washington
« on: May 12, 2004, 07:43:24 AM »
Can someone tell me what's allowed as far as hunting squirrels in WA? I emailed the DFW and their reply was a little confusing. They said some types are unclassified, therefore legal. Some are protected. No definition of 'varmint', no clear rules on this or that.  

I just need plain English. Is there a particular season, or is it open year 'round? What types can be hunted?
Squooshy... the other white meat.

Offline Mark C. Kimmell

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Squirrel Hunting In Washington State
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2004, 05:51:53 AM »
:cry: The way the 2004 Big Game regulations on page 19 section 8 pretty much states all squirrels are protected wildlife including ground squirrel if I am reading it right. Thats a bummer. The first part of this month a friend and I went down to Fox,Oregon on a two day ground squirrel hunt and had a blast. The ranchers welcome use to shoot them because they are making a big mess of their pastures. The only thing about Oregon you still have to buy a out of State hunting license which cost $76.50 just to shoot them. O well  we stll put in for antelope tags. The only new to Washington State regulations I see is we can harvest Rock Dove ( piegons) now at any time.