Well, as he said, it all washes in the end. If the fellow does him right on some but charges a little more on special orders, at least its known up front. I tried to buy a Wilson Combat CQB pistol about a year ago and was going to buy it out of Texas. I was in a store near school so I asked them how much the transfer fee would be. Usually is only $25 even and you go about your business. They told me it would be $180 because they could special order that pistol and sell it themselves. I smiled, laughed, and told them to kiss my.....and I would never buy anymore from them. To this day I haven't and don't intend to. Plenty of people will sell besides them. They were not a stocking dealer of Wilsons so I figured they would do things normally, guess not. Anyway, if Joe Mack was able to get a 357 Max from this fellow for less than $400, thats excellent so these two purchases even out in the end as he mentioned and he has exactly what he wants when all is said and done. Enjoy the Bisley. GS