Cool, it looks like I can chalk it up to fouling in the barrel then. I've been shooting 220 grain dead centers on top of 90 grains of FFFG triple 7. After a day of shooting I clean the rifle using CLP, dry the bore, and then run a patch with Hoppes oil through. Before shooting I run two patches down the bore to remove the oil, fire off two 209 primers, swab once with a spit patch, once with a dry patch, load and fire. After firing I run a spit patch, then a dry patch down the bore after every shot to remove the triple 7 crud ring and to keep conditions from shot to shot relatively the same.
I was hoping it was a barrel fouling effect, but it seemed odd that I would get two groups out of the gun. I would have expected a gradual change in point of impact as fouling accumulated in the barrel. Thanks for the help.