Author Topic: G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???  (Read 932 times)

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Offline DropTheHammer

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« on: May 07, 2004, 08:37:46 AM »
I found a 12" NIB .44MAG barrel at a local shop for my G2 frame.  Till now I was set on a 10" NIB at Ed's.  

Whatever shall I do?  Are there any advantages of the 12" over the 10" (other than the velocity) that would make it more desireable?  Much difference in recoil across those 2 inches?  How much performance is lost with the shorter?

Any and all input will be appreciated.

Offline TC Shooter

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2004, 02:57:43 PM »
I have owned various 44 mag revolvers including a 5.5" Super Blackhawk , 6.5" Smith 29 & 629 Classics , two 7.5" Super Redhawks and a 10.5" Super Blackhawk.

But the 10" Contender bull barrel in 44 mag I owned was the worst in felt recoil by quite a margin! None of the others compared to the TC 44 mag. My current 629 Classic is much more comfortable to shoot , mild compared to the TC. I would get the 12" just to have the extra weight if size is not an issue. Eventually owned Super 14 44 mag with muzzle tamer and heavy Pachmayer grips - still preferred the 44 in a revolver.

It looks like the G2 has a grip design more like that of the Encore which may make a lot of difference. I shot the Encore in .308 and did not find it to be painful.


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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2004, 03:23:27 PM »
I agree with the last post, 44mag in a 10" contender is
absolutely brutal to your hand especially with a full
house load.. I have a 10" barrel that I sent to foxridge
and had a mussel tamer put on it, it was alittle better
but now all I shoot in it is 44 special, My 44 anaconda
6" barrel shoots the mag stuff alot better and I don`t
feel so beat up.... Good Shooting.....

Offline Duffy

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2004, 05:59:33 PM »
Think I mentioned this before that my brother has a 10" and a 14" and the latter is much more nicer to shoot. The 10 seems to whip more than the longer bbls. Even my 12" 454 on the Encore seems to have less recoil.

Offline PDM1

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2004, 05:05:54 AM »
I own a contender with a 10" and 14" 44 magnum barrel and a Ruger Super Blackhawk in 10.5".  The 10" barrel on the contender is without a doubt the highest recoil of the three.  With H110 and 240 grain loads all I can say is WOW!  However, with mild to medium loads, I can use it to shoot field pistol.  If your looking to shoot a lot of hot loads, the longer barrel should help recoil.

Offline DropTheHammer

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2004, 03:13:49 AM »
Anyone have any favorite loads for .44MAG out of the 10 or 12" barrel for hunting big game?

Offline KYODE

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2004, 04:00:59 AM »
21.0gr 2400 with 240gr hornady xtp's
28.5gr H110 with 200gr hornady xtp's

also gonna have to see how well my 14"er shoots H110 with the 240's. :D

Offline DropTheHammer

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2004, 03:59:08 AM »
So what are the physics behind the brutality of the 44MAG contender?  Why are the revolvers in these lengths so much kinder?  Is it the amount of gas that escapes at the wheelgun's cylinder gap?  

Some of the testimonies offered here regarding the brutality of the 44MAG vs even the 45-70 bewilder me...

Offline Bullseye

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2004, 11:53:03 AM »
Mark me up as one who shoots a 10"  44 Mag Contender and does not think that it is that bad.  It is not that much different than my SRH.  Recoil is just such a subjective thing that everyone is affected differently by.

Or maybe it is because I use the old standard competitor grips and seem to be the only one left doing that (don't get upset all, I do use them but am making no reference to them being any better than other).

Offline TC Shooter

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2004, 10:27:56 AM »
I think Bullseye brings up a very good point as far as grips are concerned. The type of grip on my 629 revolver or any other revolver I have owned is much different than that which is on my TC.  That may have a lot to do with the pain , and yes it was pain , I felt when firing my old 10" 44 mag barrel.

As mentioned above I did fire the Encore handgun in .308  and did not find to be punishing as I thought it would. Perhaps an Encore shaped grip would have made my old 44 barrel tolerable to shoot. Also , true as mentioned by DropTheHammer , the TC blasts everything out the muzzle and does not have the cylinder gap of the revolver. How much this makes a difference I am not sure. But the TC seems to slam straight back into the hand while the revolver seems to want to roll upwards.

 I have many rounds of 44 mag in handguns - the TC is the only one that caused extreme discomfort. I actually resorted to wearing a weightlifting glove when shooting it. The difference between the TC and say , my old 10.5" Super Blackhawk was like night and day. Did not even feel like I was shooting the same cartridge.

Offline HHI-7420

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recoil pain
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2004, 01:56:51 PM »
To all, recoil pain is a very strange thing. Varies so much from one to another. When I bought my first .44 sbh, I thought "Oh God, this is gonna kill me." Hockie puck! A pussy cat! When I got my .44 rh with Pach. presentation rubber grips, I shot it 11 times and my hand was sore for a week. Now it never gets sore no matter how many times I shoot the rh. I shoot a .358jdj with TC's wood grip with the so called "rubber" insert and it is no problem. It is a game between your brain and your subconscious(spelling) I guess(up to a point). Give it a good try and if you can't live with it, part with it.  Pat
P.S.- my .375win. is the worst(no brake) that I have shot bar none!

Offline Questor

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2004, 07:55:38 AM »
Using Pachmayr grip and foreend really tames the 10" 44 magnum.

I remember my first session shooting the 44 magnum with 240 grain factory loads. The gun had its original wood-with-rubber-backstrap grips and light wood foreend. The recoil tore the web of my hand open.  I thought I was doing something wrong.

I get 1600fps with the contender. The same loads in a 6.5" revolver give about 1350fps.  That's quite a boost.
Safety first

Offline halfacop

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2004, 01:35:08 PM »
I too feel its all in the grips. I have a 44 in 10" and have no problems or feel like it is over angry. The after market grip I have has finger grooves and is made out of wood. As far as accuracy goes the thing is a tack driver and have had nothing but great luck with it. Shot a buck with it last year and he went down in a heap - never took a step. I use the 315 gr. buffalo bore ammo. The deal with the recoil -vs- a wheelgun is for most part the gas escaping out of the cylinder gap as mentioned before. It really reduces the muzzle flip.

Offline DropTheHammer

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2004, 10:43:29 AM »
I'm still up in the air.  I finally got my G2 frame and will be breaking in the 10" .22LR Match tonight.  

I have a NIB 12" .44MAG  that I am  realling itching to drop the hammer on, but I can't bring myself to do it for the feeling that I should trade it for a new 10"....


Offline wheelgun

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« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2004, 02:18:30 AM »
I have three Rugers and one TC 14" barrel in 44 mag.Recoil never has been a big issue. People talk about the pain of shooting the 44 mag if it hurts that bad you better find a different caliber.I have shot some loads in my 454 Ruger and 45-70 14" TC that will get your attention but not the 44.Find a caliber that you are comfortable with or load the 44 down a little.

Offline flyfisher

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2004, 07:59:54 AM »
I have always been a fan of the 14" barrels.  If I had my choice between a 10" and 12" in 44 Mag, I would choose the 12"-a bit less recoil, a bit  more velocity (probably not even much of a factor), and 2 more inches to work with (as far as resting is concerned).  Really, it's all up to you.
How'd you like a peek at my 14-incher? (Contender, that is)

Offline DropTheHammer

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2004, 08:17:04 AM »
Heres the deal:

I plan on mostly shooting and small game hunting with the 10" 22LR Match barrel.   I will probably carry the .44MAG for deer on occasion, limiting shots to <100 yds, scoped.   I plan to get a Bandito belt rig from for a scoped 10" barrel.  

I have no experience with the 10" vs 12" 44MAG barrels, but from what I have read, the difference in recoil and velocity should be negligible (for my purposes).  

If this is true, then I lean towards going with the 10" for more comfortable carry.

I'm not sure I understand what the extra 2" would add in terms of resting assuming you would always rest the (non-custom) forearm,  not the barrel.

Offline K2

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G2 44MAG : 10" or 12" ???
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2004, 09:20:43 AM »
Hi Drop

If you are going to carry a lot and shot a little then bias the decision to what you will do the most, carry.  even Elmer Keith the father of the .44 mag knew lots of recoil lots of the time wasn't the neatest thing in the world and shot a bunch of .44 special velocity ammo to a smaller amount of the top loaded ammo.  As far as I know there isn't any awards given out for who can stand the most recoil  :wink:  Shoot what works best for you!  I can handle a bunch of recoil in small doses and know that when I start to think abut the recoil instead of the shot, it is time to put the big stuff away for awhile.  I have seen far too many people put too big a gun in to a recoil sensitive person.  A lifelong flinch is often the outcome.  Shoot that .22 a bunch and when you need that .44 your skills will see you thru.  
Quote from: DropTheHammer
Heres the deal:

I plan on mostly shooting and small game hunting with the 10" 22LR Match barrel.   I will probably carry the .44MAG for deer on occasion, limiting shots to <100 yds, scoped.   I plan to get a Bandito belt rig from for a scoped 10" barrel.  

I have no experience with the 10" vs 12" 44MAG barrels, but from what I have read, the difference in recoil and velocity should be negligible (for my purposes).  

If this is true, then I lean towards going with the 10" for more comfortable carry.

I'm not sure I understand what the extra 2" would add in terms of resting assuming you would always rest the (non-custom) forearm,  not the barrel.[/url]