Thanks everyone.
I tore down the Sportster, blew it out with carb cleaner. Carefully lubed with some PTFE spray.
Went to the range today.
Ejects perfectly--every time!
(Incidentally, shot great too.)
The range guy gave me his spiel again. Frankly, it left me confused.
he said: Now, 17hmr is cool on big bore 200, 100-yd range. But when the new Aquila round comes out even more folks will want to shot the new rimfires on the 'big' range. See?
Then, ALL the .22 lr folks, who are banned from the big range, will start wandering over and the range volunteers will have to check if it's a 17 or 22lr.
So, why's a 22lr, such a big problem? (I asked.)
ricochets, he says. "There's a lot of iron over there, and the 22s will start bouncing over the embankment. it's a safety issue." The 17 hmr, according to him disintegrates on impact, so its not a problem.
By then, my son was pulling me toward the range.
OK, What i know about ballistics would fit in a .22 short case, but do 22 lr ricochete more than anything else?