Are areas fenced for hunting and game management a good idea? Are they legitimate hunting operations or just glorified game farms?
By law all the private hunting land in South Africa must be fenced. How do people feel about this kind of hunting? Some properties are so huge they far exceed the natural home range of the animals. They would also take an entire season to walk around and hunt completely. I'm not promoting or condeming this with my post just trying to see both sides of the question and hopefully get some input from others.
I''ll use a couple examples in North America. Would anyone complain that the bear they shoot on Kuiu island in Alaska was not "free roaming" probably not but he is infact contained on an island along with all the deer and wolves there.
There is an Auction each year in Alberta Canada for big horn sheep. It's in an area closed to hunting where the sheep see people as a non-threatening life form. Not exactly like a park but some similiarities. These sheep are not fenced in. They are however not like 100% wild sheep. These permits can go for close to a 1/2 million dollars at auction.
In Oregon there is a huge game management unit which is 100% fenced and the elk are being studied for their habits and lifestyle. This is an open hunting unit with tags issued. Fair chase for elk on public land?
There are Mountain goats on many peaks throughout the western US and Canada. These goats will never leave the shear cliffs they live on. Many states and provinces relocate goats from other areas to improve the gene pool on these isolated peaks. The same is done with Big horn Sheep.
Hunting these Goats is in an enclosed, not with a fence but only natural habitat.
There are countless areas now in the USA where game is contained between a steep mountian range on one side, a river on two other sides and a highway. These animals are fully surrounded by natural or man made obstructions. Much like ngoro ngoro crater in Kenya. This huge dormant volcano is about 10 miles across and has mountian ridges so steep that the enormous heards of game cannot get out of the "bowl" they live in. They also have no reason to leave with the lush habitat.
In South Africa the oldest established park in all of Africa is Kruger Park. It is about the size of western Montana. It is completley fenced, as is the enormous Umfolozi, and Hluhlue parks. Is that game free roaming? The park is so big the animals would never leave if there was no fence. The fence is to make poaching much more difficult. It is still fenced much like the average hunting consession, and for the same reason.
This has always been an interesting topic of debate on hunting trips for many of us. I have heard a guy say fenced hunting needs to be XXX size to be real hunting. Yet many animals like Whitetail deer live their entire lives on only 500 to 1000 or so acres of land. Even Elk don't roam around enough to require a huge land mass. They have been planted on several of the islands in SE Alsaka. Is shooting one of them "unsporting" and "unethical". They are not indiginous and they are fenced by the ocean. What is the definition of a fenced game farm VS free range or free roaming game? Is it less sporting to shoot an animal with 10,000 to 100,000 acres of habitat to live on, then a bear or lion out of a tree? Does property size matter when you hunt with bait and keep the population of unfenced game in a small area until you can harvest it?
75% of the bears in the western mountians occupy only about 25% of the habitat. So what if they have countless thousands of acres to wander on! They only actually use a very tiny portion of that land. How about the bears in SE Alaska on the coast in the spring or the salmon sreams in the fall. That is a very tiny habitat to hunt on, does size matter? We know those bears will be in a berry filled meadow, or a salmon stream each September. Yet there may be a 1/4 million acres available. We only need to sit and wait in the meadow, or watch the stream the rest of the enormous habitat is worthless to the bear and he will not use it. Most wild free roaming game is in the same situation.
Ok What do you say?