Yes indeed! Times are changing. The far left has gotten most of the things they've wanted for the past several decades. One would think they would, at this point, realize they don't know what's best for themselves. From Woodstock, to many years of feeding a constant supply of Hollywood brand manure to our impressionable youth, and now wanting to marry the same sex and legitimize extreme, sick perversion.
Yup, if you want to know why our country sucks more each day, ya don't have to look any further than over your left shoulder.
The good news is that the normal and sensible people in this country are finally learning how to fight to stem the tide of liberalism and socialism. And we're doing it. A lot of folks are now saying "enough is enough." Many of them even post here. Our numbers are indeed bigger. It's just that we haven't played the game until recently.
We can win. We will win because we have no choice anymore. To snooze means to give the enemy more ground. What bugs me most right now is our Churches. Why? They are too afraid to become politically involved. The liberals have perceived the dangers of the "Church" well in advance. Just think back to all the whoopla about "Separation of Church & State." And why is this an issue anyway? Simple. The liberals want to keep the grassroots of America as trimmed as possible.
Churches need to start teaching and motivating their members to manuever the political system, and be willing to take the risks that come along with it. Instead of relentlessly praying and making noise, they need to put some feet to those prayers - which is a "howto" book unto itself.
We need to regain CONTROL of the government, and that happens by either running for an office, or voting, or both. Pretty simple huh? You don't need to fear a John Kerry if he can't get the votes.
Now this may piss off some of you, but do I care? We've gotten too fat and lazy eating our venison burgers and drinking our beer. We've done this for so long now, that most of us don't even possess enough sense of self-worth to even run for our local school boards. We've gotten self-centered to the point where we're not willing to get off our happy little butts to fix anything.
If you added up the number of gun owners and Christians in this country, and if they ALL voted at least ONCE a year, that would be the end of the socialist threat in America. Fast and quick! The problem is so obvious here that it's rediculous to even have to type it out.
We ALREADY have the backbone, and the saddest thing to ponder is how the liberals and socialists have been ever paralyzing it on us for years and years. The bible has a proverb that goes something like this: "All a man has to do is fold up his arms for a little while and danger at poverty will be right at his doorstep."
So where is YOUR enthusiasmn anyway? Do you get sick and tired of hearing people ask you to vote? Do you get sick and tired of hearing people ask you to write letters? If so, WHERE is your enthusiam? Do you think it won't make any difference anyway? IF so, then you're already dead, and you ARE the problem. To my friends I say, get off your collective arses for a change and do SOMETHING.
America will either become unique in it's freedoms once again, or we'll let our liberal/socialists lead us right down the path of England or Austrailia. The choice in the matter REALLY IS YOURS!
In any case, more of us are making our names known instead of hiding in a box called home, or church, or the woods. This is a GOOD thing.