Author Topic: ''Expendable '' votes  (Read 468 times)

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Offline ratherbefishin

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''Expendable '' votes
« on: June 11, 2004, 03:57:27 AM »
The liberals full well knew firearms owners were mainly in rural areas and a minority anyway[hunting licence data shows decling numbers] and therefore their votes were expendable-maybe 5% of the population. By contrast the inner city vote was large and certainly well worth going after.Their votes could be bought if the government could be seen as ''doing something'' about crime- and Voila'- they do a carefully worded poll''are you in favour ofgun controll?''counting on thr fact that non firearms owners wouldn't know we already had very extensive gun control, licencing, and even mandatory hand gun registration. With the 76% ''yes'' vote they proceeded to set up the multi-billion dollar ''gun registry'' which their own statistics have proved have not saved even one life- but now they don't know what to do.Since politicians never admit they are wrong, the only way we can fre up this billion dollar waste is to simply say''no''and vote them out.
 The Liberals may think your vote is expendable- but the only way it will be expendable is if you don't use it- and trust me, they're counting on you NOT to vote.So- prove them WRONG.Look atit this way- if you vote-and the gun registrey is thrown out- you can consider the money you save on not registering ,as  being ''paid'' to vote.