I hunted boar in Turkey in the eucalyptus forest they were establishing to replace their over harvested timber. The Turks, being muslim though they never seemed religious to me, wouldn't touch them, but they encouraged the American service men to hunt them. We killed a big Russian Boar, and took him back to base and skint him hanging up in a car port in base housing. The Turks out in the countryside hated the hogs because they ravaged their melon crops among other things. They were only allowed to hunt with shotguns (average rural Turks now; the wealthier could own pretty much what kind of rifle they wished) At any rate, when skinning the boar, the skin over his neck area was from an inch and a half to two inches thick, and was liberally endowed with buckshot that had obviously not been able to penetrate this "armour" I mean, we must have gotten a quarter pound of lead buckshot out of that boars neck skin. It was my first hog skinning and I was amazed. Interestingly enough. the sergeant who shot this mighty, seemingly invulnerable boar killed him with a single buckshot from his 12 gauge pump that just happened by sheer chance to hit in the eye socket and find the brain for an instant kill. I reckon his number was just up.