Author Topic: anybody score this year ?  (Read 2188 times)

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anybody score this year ?
« on: November 19, 2002, 04:40:35 PM »
Well,did anybody get lucky and score on blackie this year.Our southern zone bear season opens this sat in ny.
                                                                             Shooter :sniper:

Offline PJ

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Yep, this year was good......
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2002, 01:55:08 PM »
Hey, DLH you should have the meat smoked and cured like a pig trust me it is a hole lot better.This bear was 420lbs. fielddressed

Offline bearhuntr

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bear season
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2002, 03:28:48 PM »
:grin:   This was a good season for blackies here. Was able to take prime blackie in the spring and then a nice 8' 4" brownie this fall. Had to forgo the late fall blackie season as to work, weather, and my first dall sheep.
The blackbear only weighed 220, but had the longest, primest hide I've ever seen. It is a welcome addition to my game room.
Took several friends out this spring, and one, Mike, took a bruin that green scored 20 1/16 and squared 6' 10"...a real nice example of "bear-dom" in these parts. This will be a season for me to remember.

Offline Graybeard

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anybody score this year ?
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2002, 03:36:25 PM »
DLH you can post photos here but we do not offer a photo hosting service so you will first need to find a place to post it on the internet and get a URL for it. There are several free hosting services out there. If you get a URL assigned and have trouble posting then let me know and we'll walk you thru it.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline JJHACK

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anybody score this year ?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2002, 05:45:09 AM »
Here is one of the bears we took this fall. Not an exceptional bear but above average for Washington state.  His skull was 19-5/16

I hate to post a weight when it's nearly impossible to weigh a bear in the field. I have a well developed chart on my web site that will give the weight very accurately. I developed the system when working in the bear management program.  In some cases the chart was within a few pounds of actual weight!  It gets old when every bear killed is XXX hundred pounds and you can look and see it's not what is claimed. It's actually kind of funny to hear guys who have actually convinced themselves of this non-sense.  One fellow told me once "bears have a higher muscle density and weigh more then the look.  Yeah Right! your 150 pound sow is really 300 pounds!

Kind of sad to me which is why I prefer to use an actual measure like skull size, or squared hide size. The weight in most cases when estimated a complete waste of time.

Oh yeah there was also a guy who loaded the bear into the back of his pickup truck and drove to the truck scale to weigh the bear on the truck scale. Only thing is his buddies were screwing with him and added a bunch of stuff to the back of the truck. For a long time he swore up and down his 250 pound bear was 400 pounds "because he weighed it"  Too funny!

In Tacoma Washington a few years ago a Policeman was on the news reporting the search of a 350 pound black bear that was seen wandering in the neighborhood. They were looking to dart and move it.  When it was finally shot with the dart gun and loaded into the trailer style culvert trap to move him two men lifted him with ease and placed him in the trap.  The bear was later reported to be a 125 pound male!  This 350 pound original report  from one of Tacoma's finest "trained observers" was a real laugh for anyone who knows how to judge a bears size!

IMO believe what you hear regarding a bears weight only when you see it on the scale yourself!  Outfitters are notorious for embellishing the bears size. They don't want to send anyone home with a little bear. They also don't want to have competition in camp between hunters. All bears are "about 300 pounds" when in a bear camp!   I know this because I worked free lance for several outfitters using my dogs when they needed help. All of these guys took "300 pound bears" according to the outfitters.  Funny the ones that actually weighed 300 pounds were usually claimed to be 500!

The BS regarding a bears weight never ends! If you really want a very accurate example of the weight use the chart on my site. It will completely remove the BS factor. It's been published in Bear hunting Magazine as well.

Offline wildman

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anybody score this year ?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2002, 06:24:51 AM »
I suppose this is a good comparison.  'Guestimating' the weight of a black bear is about like 'guestimating' the weight of a full grown man, dressed in ski clothes.  Unless someone has x-ray vision, it's mighty hard to look through that thick black coat and accurately guess the weight of a bear.  Looks can be very deceiving.
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hey wildman
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2002, 08:14:28 AM »
what kind of empty shell is that next to that empty 12 gauge shell on that pic. under your name?  :D  :-)  :shock:  :x  :evil:  :twisted:  :roll:  :cry:  :oops:  :P  :?  8)  :lol:  :eek:  :o  :-D  :grin:  :)
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Offline BlackBearHunter

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anybody score this year ?
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2002, 07:26:41 PM »
here's a pic of my bear that i shot in maine this year out  of jerry thomas outfitters......while i agree about the weight topic, mine weighed in at 260lbs...not huge, but not bad for maine considering she was a sow.

she was my first official bear, i shot one a few years back here in pa, he wandered 20 or 30 yards after being shot, and some @$$ shot him in the head and claimed him...oh well....that was enough to make me want to goto maine to get a bear, and i dont regret it.
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Offline deerslayer10

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anybody score this year ?
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2002, 06:45:20 AM »
8)  I killed a 325# bear here in south Georgia back in Sept. on the opening day of our season. The bear was weighed by DNR so I know what he weighed.

Offline Lawdog

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anybody score this year ?
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2003, 02:25:16 PM »
Yeah I got two this year.  One in Alaska(male, scales said 341 pounds) and one here in California(another male we weighted on my grain scales at 219 pounds).  Wife got the biggest one while we were in Alaska.  Nice, large boar 373 pounds.  Lawdog
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