I have read that the 250 savage was too hot also.If you have to download the round to be safe why buy it.
With a low SAAMI pressure level in factory loads it is not necessary to "down-load" the .250. SSK used to sell barrels in .250 and considered it safe - what changed, other than their starting to offer their proprietary .257JDJ?
I have a .300 Savage barrel from Bullberry, used it for many years with factory-level loads and a bit higher without a bit trouble - long case life, no sticky extraction, outstanding accuracy. The .300 is loaded to lower SAAMI pressures too. A .308, almost identical in shape to the .300, is
NOT safe in a Contender because it is loaded to far higher pressures by the factory. The large case diameter - the same in all three - means that a safe pressure in a .223 case ( ca. 52,000 CUP ) would spell disaster in the larger cases.
It is too easy for a non-sophisticated reloader to add too much powder in these large diameter cases, and this increases the case head thrust beyond the safe point in the Contender. This is the
real reason that few chamber Contender barrels in these cases anymore - in factory-level loads they are safe, but stupid loaders can get into trouble too easily.