We all know carring concealed is a right given to us bye the state you live in, The government does over ride most gun laws but not all, there is many different state laws about how you should conduct your self when carring concealed or even clear of site, above all keeping the weapon concealed is of the most importance if your carrying concealed, brandishing your weapon can be taken as a threat, cause havoc, misunderstood, can cause something to happen that other wise would not happen like a act of selfdefence. As stated scaring Innocent bystanders out of there skin, when they see this guy with his big bad gun, remember not all people are use to seeing guns at all, most people take a gun as a threat. You have to understand the police point of view as well, people are robbing banks etc... all the time, so in other words keep the peace, cover your weapon, till god forgive you need to use it. I live in a state thats states Live Free or Die NH, you can carry a handgun without any license in clear site, but you need a conceal license to carry concealed. These laws have grey area's, yes you can carry in open site without a license but you need to have a reason your doing so, like heading into the woods for a hunt, going to the range etc...
If you tell a official because I can, he will ask you politely to put it away or cover it up or bring it home, you are being a threat to society, you better do as he says...Remember its a privilege to carry a handgun giving bye our state&gov, once you commit a federal crime your privilege to carry is gone for good.
We should cherish our right to carry, and carry with the knowledge of the state laws in your state, call any police dept they will clue you in. God bless our great country for our freedoms. Aim small hit small. RAMbo.