Looking at the parts sources one finds that the 375 used a different mag tube and different shell guides. The 375 is nearly the same as the 38-55 but loaded to different pressure levels.. they also list the cartridge stop as being diffferent and there are other parts but I believe most relate to the differences in the receiver profiles. I too was interested in such a conversion but found a 'Legendary Frontiersman' commemorative that had been fired. The collector value was largely destroyed so it became just a shooter, though in a desireable caliber. I'm unsure of the barrel length but its either 24 or 26? I also bought a 30-30 in a Candian Centenial(rifle). It has a heavy octogon barrel and was found at a garage sale!! It had been shot and carried so not a collector. Loaded with 170 grain bullet it is quite accurate. Next a receiver sight and perhaps some upgrades to the internals...