I have hunted for a lot of years now, and although I am not a trophy hunter, I am proud of whatever I take in the hunting field. To shoot a hog that size is a once in a lifetime thing ( if that ), and a major feat. When I do take a nice animal, I like to show it off to my friends and anyone else who wants to see it. As far as being too big to have the head mounted, BULL! Ever been to the Fred Bear museum? They have a head mount of an Elephant! How many Cape Buffalo have you seen on walls? If you can kill it, it can be mounted. And as far as burying the whole thing, even if I THOUGHT I couldn't get it mounted, I would save the skull for show, And I don't know anybody who would not keep the tusks.
To me it looks like a hog, Sounds like bull, but it Smell a little fishy.