Author Topic: What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleloaders you shot.  (Read 994 times)

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Offline Redhawk1

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleloaders you shot.
« on: July 03, 2004, 06:10:11 AM »
I currently have an Encore 50 cal and an Encore 45 cal. I also have a T/C Renegade 50 cal. I use my T/C Renegade in the early Muzzleloading season. I then switch to my Encore in the late muzzleloader season. The late season is after all other seasons have closed and the deer are spooked and move way into the marsh.
I have owned several Knight 50 cals and CVA. I have been wanting to try a flint lock and I know I will. I enjoy shooting all guns. So let me know what you shoot and also what you have shot. :)
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Offline quickdtoo

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2004, 07:27:02 AM »
I started with a Hatfield flintlock, what a learning experience! Whilst I was fightin that critter I picked up a used .45 TC hawken and put a green mountain ball barrel on it in 50 cal. Between the two I had a lot of fun once I learned the secrets of making the hatty work. Then I traded the hatty for .62 cal smoothy NW trade gun and started to shoot the trade gun trails, I'll have to admit, if I were limited to 1 gun, the TG would be it. had too much fun and the tradegunners were, in general, easier goin than the too serious rifle shooters, and after all, the reason for joining in buckskinning was the fun factor. Missed the hatfield so I ordered a JP Henry in .50cal flint, kept that for several years, picked up a couple cabelas hawkens for ML hunting along the way, bought a JPGunstocks lancaster in 50 cal flint, been shooting it since. Slowed down in the rondys in '98 and since have picked up 2 TC black diamonds, .45 super XR and a .50 XR, also a CVA .45 Hunterbolt. I shoot Powerbelts and T7 in all of the inlines with good accuracy, 1.5" with a scope 3" with peeps at 100yds. I use a scope for range work, but the state doesn't allow glass in any sights here, fortunetly they do allow fiber optics! All my ML deer have been killed with the lancaster, hunted with the .62 TG a few years for both deer and turkeys, never got a shot at either. I worked up a paper cartridge turkey load for the smoothy than would extend my effective range to about 25yds with the cyl bore and #6 shot which is outstanding, I think. The last couple years I have hunted ML elk with the inlines, mostly because of my eyes and not because I don't enjoy the flinter! Also bought a pedersoli .50 cal flint pistol for adding more shootin fun just after the TG!  That's it in a nutshell,  hth.  Tim
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Offline sabotloader

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2004, 08:19:00 AM »
This is a very bad subject around home, because I truly have been bitten by the ML bug...

The list of rifles:
      2 - Austin & Halleck's 320 Sn's - 50 Cal
      1 - Remington ML-700 SS 24" barrel - 50 Cal
      1 - Thompson Center 1/28 28" barrell Fast Twist Hawken - 50 cal
      1 - Thompson Center 1/48 Renegade - 54 cal
      1 - Lyman Trade Rifle 1/48 54 cal
      1 - CVA Hawken - 1/48 28" barrel - 50 cal
and soon to be - I am in the process of building it - another fast twist Green Mountain barrel -
      1 - Thompson Center 1/28 26" barrel on a Renegade stock - 50 cal

I know a lot of people have a lot more, but in my house this is quite a bit, it does raise some questions with the war department - each one of them, is specialized - they do a certain job, they are not like my center fires where one might have two or three different functions - any way that is what I tell the department.
Keep shooting muzzleloaders - they are a blast....

Offline AndyHass

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2004, 03:24:38 PM »
The first ML I actually owned was a $100 Traditions Deerhunter, 22" barrel 50 cal.  After some sight work and trigger work by a gunsmithing friend, that cheap rifle took 20+ deer (lost count).  As its point-of-aim began to shift mysteriously, I got a Traditions Lightning LD.  Not a high quality gun, but after a lot of work it became a MOA gun and fulfilled my need for a "open field" long-range gun since the leasers restricted my woods access.
   Now that the rings and wedding are paid for, I could afford a high-quality gun finally and got a thumbhole Omega.  The jury is still out but in my one range session I was shooting some amazing groups.
   I also inherited a true traditional gun.... It was carried by my great-great-great grandfather in the Canadian militia circa 1865.  It is a former flintlock barrel converted to caplock. The stock was damaged but I hope to restore it some.

Offline rickyp

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2004, 04:15:47 PM »
I have and had
custom 209x50 bullberry contender barrel in 14 inch
knight lk-93 woverreen ( older model)
I have had in the past
a ruger old army setup for deer hunting ( pach. grips, scope and b-square mount) and was not very happy with it
a T/C Renegade in 50 cal that i couldnt hit a mack truck at 25 feet with nad made me one of them CVA kit revolvers. this one couold shoot well but the timming was way off and no gun smith would touch it for a good price

Offline oneshotonekill

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2004, 03:22:10 AM »
I currently have:
2 T/C Black diamond 50 cal (1 blue, 1 ss)
1 T/C Black diamond 45 cal XR
1 T/C System 1 stainless 54 cal
1 Knight MK-85 Predator 54 cal (limited edition)
1 Cabela's Hawken 50 Cal cap
1 BPI 50 cal flint
1 CVA Frontier rifle 50cal (my first ML)
1 CVA Mountain rifle 50 cal
1 Traditions Buckhunter 12 ga
1 T/C Hawkin 50 cal flint
1 1858 rem replica 44 cal revolver with 12" barrel

I had but sold/gave away:
1 209X50 encore barrel
1 Traditions buckhunter 50 cal
1 CAV Apollo
1 T/C Renegade 50 cal cap
1 T/C System 1 54 cal

I may have forgot 1 or 2 I haven't looked in the back of the safe for a while but this pretty much sums up my ML's.

Offline DEPUTY

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2004, 05:54:01 AM »
2 ultimates
cva optima pro
knight extreme

all are 50cals

Offline daddywpb

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2004, 01:43:40 AM »
The list is growing:

Started with a T/C 45 cal Hawken in the late '70's. Still shooting it too.
Got a T/C Omega 50 cal two years ago, and scoped it last year.
Got my daughter a CVA Youth Hunter 50 cal.
And a Ruger Old Army - also from the late '70's.

THe Omega is my favorite.

Offline Cuz

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2004, 04:02:18 AM »
T/C Hawken
T/C Omega .50 w/scope

also a '51 Navy .36 ball & cap
and .12 & .20 BP doubles

I am more of a HUNTER rather than a shooter. the pistol is for the shootin'  and I truly enjoy it. but most often, when I burn powder, I am putting meat on the table.

most of my huntin' is done with the Omega or the .12 double. and these two would be my favorites, easy of use being #1 and cleaning #2.

Cuz of Kaintuck

Offline iisabigone

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What do you shoot? And any other Muzzleload
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2004, 08:38:35 AM »
This is what is currently in my safes as far as bp
Omega 50
Mk 85 predator
lk 93
disc rifle
mag disc rifle
mag bighorn
2 white gseries
t/c firehawk
lyman great plains rifle
t/c renegade
t/c hawkins
spanish something or other
traditions hawkins

all are 50 cal except the spanish gun 45 and all are shooters with the right stuff in them