I have the RCBS 150gr. Semi wadcutter mould, and would like to try a heavier bullet. The RCBS 162 gr. SWC seems about ideal, but is no longer manufactured, and is scarce as hen's teeth. The Lyman 358429 170 gr. SWC also seems a good choice, as does the Lee 358-158 RF. Nobody has much good to say about current Lyman mould quality, though, and that is concerning.
Does anyone have recommendations regarding bullet weight?
Would the extra 8-12 gr. be an advantage, or even be noticeable? I will load my 357 magnum 4 inch to what I call "mild magnum" levels, about 1100-1150fps. This is just the fun stuff, and I use factory ammo for defense.
Would I be better just sticking with common the common 158gr. weight , and buy something available, like a Lee 6 banger mould, rather than haunting 'da Bay, and hoping for a find/reasonable price? (probably faster, but I did find my 150 gr mold there, and at a reasonable price, too.)
What say you guys? Thanks.