Just bought a versa-pac combo(22 and .410) for my dad for his 68th birthday.Only paid $134.00 for it! both of the local shops I checked were close to $200.00. I always try to patronize the little guys but I can't afford pass up a savings that big. I would have never been able to get the thing from walmart though if it were not for the education I've gotten from the online H&R/NEF family.
I looked at thier specail order catalog and the thing wasn't in there. The teen aged goofball behind the counter was clueless and said they couldn't get it. Were it not for the advice I've gleaned over the years that would have been the end of it.
I then went home and got on sports south's website and printed out the page for it and checked on availability.Then I took that to walmart and had them call sports south and get a upc for the gun since it's not in their catalog, gave the lady in layaway the $ and it was done. I had to talk the sporting goods expert through every step of it but for a 35% saving I'll spend a few extra minutes and I could tell the kid felt some sense of accomplishment for being able to complete the deal. Aparentley no one else has ever done this before there. Thanks again. My day will probably never do much shooting or hunting with this little combo but I know he'll enjoy showing it off to his red neck buddies.