Author Topic: Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert violence  (Read 896 times)

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Offline Dali Llama

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert violence
« on: May 28, 2004, 01:20:44 PM »
Clergy hope gun turn-in averts violence, saves lives
By Colleen Mastony
Tribune staff reporter

May 16, 2004

Weary of officiating at the funerals of teenagers killed by gun violence, a citywide coalition of clerics asked their congregations to turn in their firearms Saturday.

Though the effort netted only 14 guns, organizers said it was a start.

"These are the clergy who are having to bury these kids," said Rev. Vance Henry, director of CAPS, a community outreach program run by the Chicago Police Department. "From their perspective, one gun off the street is one life saved."

It was the second such gun collection held by Clergy for Safer Streets, a group of 50 religious leaders who joined forces this year. The first event was held in February and garnered about a dozen guns.

Drop-off centers include 11 churches, mosques and synagogues throughout the city. Clerics guarantee anonymity for people bringing in guns by acting as intermediaries before giving the weapons to Chicago police.

Organizers said Saturday's collection sought in part to head off the increase in shootings that often accompanies warmer weather.

"We are getting ready for summer. There are a lot more children on the streets and a lot more shootings," said Rev. Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina Catholic Church.

For Pfleger, whose foster son, Jarvis, 17, was shot and killed three blocks from the church in 1998, the collection of guns was deeply personal.

"If someone didn't have a gun that day, he might be alive," he said.

Organizers conceded the number of guns turned in Saturday was low, especially compared with the 10,000 guns that organizers said are confiscated by Chicago police every year. But some leaders have encouraged their congregations to continue to bring in guns.

Pfleger said he had received 60 guns since the program began. He collected six more on Saturday.

"Sixty-six guns could have taken God knows how many lives," he said.
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline jh45gun

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2004, 02:55:50 PM »
What a bunch of morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 If they are relying for their congregations to bring in their guns they are barking up the wrong tree as these folks are not the shooters? Just token BS as these gun turn ins have no influence on the problem. They found that out when they bought back guns and broken guns netted money to buy working guns. Just goes to show how out of touch these folks are.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Dali Llama

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2004, 03:04:06 PM »
Quote from: jh45gun
What a bunch of morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 If they are relying for their congregations to bring in their guns they are barking up the wrong tree as these folks are not the shooters? Just token BS as these gun turn ins have no influence on the problem. They found that out when they bought back guns and broken guns netted money to buy working guns. Just goes to show how out of touch these folks are.
"Guns don't kill people, people do," quoth Dali Llama. 8)
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline ironglow

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2004, 02:54:33 AM »
These "Clergy" are really off base.
  I don't recall any scripture saying , " Go out into the streets and compel them to bring in their guns (or swords)". In fact, there was a time when they were told to sell their cloak and purchase a sword!
  The true preacher will evangelize and convert, be ready to preach, teach and lead to salvation " in season and out of season'.
   If they would do their proper job in their own neighborhoods. they would not need to collect guns....the people wouldn't misuse them.
   Their collections only point up their own incompetence!!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dali Llama

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2004, 03:14:17 AM »
Quote from: ironglow
These "Clergy" are really off base. If they would do their proper job in their own neighborhoods. they would not need to collect guns....the people wouldn't misuse them. Their collections only point up their own incompetence!!
Ironglow make excellent point, say Dali Llama. :-)
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline papajohn428

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2004, 01:59:49 PM »
What never seems to be pointed out is that these groups that collect the guns guarantee complete anonymity, thus a murderer who used a gun to kill could just turn it into the church, or the cops, and the gun is destroyed.  No ballistic testing is done before the gun is destroyed, and numerous gun crimes that could have been solved, aren't.  Therefore, the killers are allowed to continue their dirty deeds, with full cooperation from the local police.

What a crock!  The saddest part is that where the police department is the sponsor of the event, we're paying them to let murderers go, with our own tax dollars!

And the Liberals who thought this garbage up, promised us it was being done in order to reduce crime!   :evil:

If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

Offline Dali Llama

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2004, 02:05:13 PM »
Quote from: papajohn428
the Liberals who thought this garbage up promised us it was being done in order to reduce crime!  
What a farce that be, say Dali Llama. :(  :cry:  :oops:
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline Mikey

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2004, 04:45:08 AM »
The only 'clergy' who don't have their heads up their respective religious butts are the Baptists  - the ones famous for coining the phrase "Praise the Lord and pass the ammo".  Got onna them in the family - good shot, too.  Mikey.

Offline Dali Llama

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2004, 07:31:37 AM »
Quote from: Mikey
"Praise the Lord and pass the ammo".  
:-D  :)  :-D
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline ironglow

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2004, 02:28:25 AM »
 Although I was trained in a Baptist Bible Seminary, I would say that others are involved also; although most are of the Baptist theological background.
   We have Baptist churches in our area that sponsor "wild game" dinners and host  that traveling deer trophy show that travels the country.
  Remember, there are Baptists and there are Baptists. Watch out for the
big "united" type groups, lean more toward the independant local church types.
  The "American Baptist" might say "northern Baptist" is more like the politically correct mainline churches. The Southern Baptist churches are better  off, being for the most part, conservative.

   How do you check the difference? Experience!...there is one quick, fairly accurate check however.....Ask the Pastor if he believes that every word in the Bible is absolutely true and "God-breathed"...that is , dictated by God to the actual writers.
     If he says anything other than complete agreement with that premise, or starts to vacillate on Noah's ark, the virgin birth or  complete ressurection of Christ..(unbelievers have trouble with these) don't have a genuine, historical Baptist!

        In the Baptist circles I am affiliated with, any preacher even hinting about an infringement of gun rights....would be in a sticky situation.
    Bible-believing Baptists are big on personal responsibility...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dali Llama

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2004, 04:55:14 PM »
Quote from: ironglow
The Southern Baptist churches are better off, being for the most part, conservative.
Amen, say Dali Llama. :-)
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline Bigdog

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2004, 03:48:30 AM »
The idiots who run these "Gun Buyback" schemes are using faulty logic.
they think they are "Taking the guns off the street" - bull!  Having looked closely at several of the events, I'm struck by hte kinds of guns I see being turned in.  Single-barrel cheapo shotguns, kid's twentytwo rifles, BB guns, old repo Cap&ball revolvers - mostly old junk from Gramp's attic after the old boy has passed on.  Granny is made to believe she's helping to "fight crime" by turning in her late hubby's rusty relics.
Every so often, we even see blank shooting starter pistols, even the toy guns from K-mart with the grey cylinders and red plug in the muzzle!
These idiots wouldn't know a real gun from a child's toy.  A sign of the times.  Some of them want to ban the toy guns too, so I guess it works for them either way.
What I rarely see on those tables is a serious 9mm or .357 handgun, no hi-cap "assault weapons", no Machineguns.  Hey, Reverend!  Where's the "good stuff"?   :lol:
In some cities, the fact of these civilians taking in guns, no questions asked and no paperwork submitted for the Nics check - hey, that can often be an illegal firearm transfer!  Reverend, I want to introduce you to your new cellmate, Bubba.  You two get friendly, okay?   :twisted:

Offline papajohn428

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2004, 11:27:17 PM »
Don't these folks realize how stupid they appear?  Talk about "Preaching to the Choir!"  They're asking their CONGREGATION MEMBERS to turn in the churchgoers are also gang-bangers!  I kinda doubt it.  So by turning in their guns, the church membership has essentially deprived itself of the means of self-defense against the the name of the Lord?  Suicide for Scripture?  Salvation by Slaughter?

I just don't get it.  How can you defeat evil by laying down your weapons, the only defense you have against the evildoers?

Any why is it the gun is always blamed, when in fact it's their own sons and daughters who are doing the shooting?  

But I guess that's just too simplistic.  Why bring up personal responsibility when you can blame the gun.......better known as SATAN! :roll:

PJ the Pious
If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

Offline Dali Llama

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2004, 08:27:42 AM »
Quote from: Bigdog
Reverend, I want to introduce you to your new cellmate, Bubba.  You two get friendly, okay?   :twisted:
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline 1895GG

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Clergy counts on gun turn-in to avert viole
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2004, 08:54:54 AM »
I suppose if they could have gotten Samson to turn in his jawbone of an ass, they could have saved a thousand heathen Philistines!  (Judges 15:15)  Talk about an assault weapon!!!  But the way I read it, that was God's plan.
Shoot That ThAng!