I did some more chronographing this weekend with the 209 X 50 pistol. Now I remember why I bought a chronograph. I killed two hogs last year with this pistol with 100 grains GOEX FFG and a Hornady 250 grain SST. I was very disappointed in the killing power of this combination, but it was the most accurate combination that I had tried at the time. I have never chronographed it until now and I think I know why I didn't get the expansion on the SST bullet that I was after.
All of the following loads were 250 grain Hornady SST/Sabots and CCI 209 primers:
100 grains GOEX FFG - Average velocity 1199 fps :eek: , extreme spread 56 fps No wonder I wasn't getting any bullet expansion
90 grains Pyrodex RS - Average velocity 1422 fps, extreme spread 50 fps
100 grains Pyrodex RS - Average velocity 1485 fps, extreme spread 82 fps
110 grains Pyrodex RS - Average velocity 1463 fps, extreme spread 121 fps
After this testing, I will be shooting Triple 7 in this gun.