Author Topic: Idiots  (Read 768 times)

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Offline jh45gun

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« on: July 27, 2004, 03:17:22 AM »
Had the tv on this morning and on the today show which is takes a liberal slant of course showed a vidio tape of a 3 year old child leaning on the back of his parents car with the trunk open playing with a handgun while the parents were a 100 yards off drinking beer and target shooting. The neighbor of these folks vidio taped it and called the cops! What morons. Just what the gun crowd needs during the anti gun democratic convention is the give them fuel like this. There is talk of taking these idiots children away and I hope they do! Morons like this make a black eye on all of us gun owners! This kinda crap really ticks me off. The parents said the gun was unloaded and no danger what if it was? The media asked the lady who taped it with a telephoto lens on her vidio camera ( she was about a 100 yards away or so she said) was afraid to startle the kid she said and she did not know the gun was loaded or unloaded. Idiots like these sure do not help our cause in the fight against the anti- gun crowd.
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Offline Mauser

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« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2004, 04:23:15 AM »
I absolutely can't stand people like the person videotaping the child with the gun.  Was this person going to just stand there and wait for the kid to blow his head off just to get the video?  People should have the proper training and a license to own and use video cameras. :lol:

The parents clearly are morons who not only shouldn't have guns but shouldn't have kids or cars either.  This is, unfortunately, one of the costs of freedom.  People have the right to be idiots-even to the extent of endangering their children.

Offline dukkillr

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« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2004, 07:50:42 AM »
I worked in a hospital ER in Kansas City when they brought in a baby who had  been accidently shot with his father's handgun while riding in a van.  The bullet had gone through his spine and he would never move his legs again.  To me there are two issues here.  1) is that we tend to recoil from negative gun publicity regardless of whether or not it's fair gun publicity, which at times can cost our community credibility with the general public.  2) guns ARE dangerous, and if you have kids around you owe it to them to be absolutely sure they're not going to find a loaded gun and hurt themselves.  When kids get older you can teach them how to be around guns safely, but accidents DO happen and those people hurt the case for every gun owner because they allowed kids to come into contact with a loaded firearm.

Offline Bikenut

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« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2004, 10:45:07 AM »
First of all the parents of the kid that got a hold of a gun need to be put in prison. Shooting while drinking, handling guns while drinking, and being careless with those guns, and child endangerment.... probably because the drinking helped an already stupid attitude about gun safety........ is inexcusable behavior. Now that is simply fact.

The following is my opinion:...........

There is something wrong with the current attitude that anyone can take pictures of anything any time they wish simply because they have a camera or video camera.

Why didn't that woman do the right thing and carefully get the gun away from the kid? Forget the video dammit! Save the kid! Seems to me the human responsibility of getting involved in life threatening situations in order to save a life has been replaced by the thinking that just taking pictures is responsible action all by itself and is somehow an "heroic" endeavor. HORSE MANURE! The "right thing" to do is save the life and worry about having proof of a crime later! To my mind the woman who just stood and took a video is a dolt! What did she think was going to happen if she went and gently disarmed the child? The child might shoot him/herself because she talked to the kid? Well.... geeeeze.... the child might shoot him/herself even if the woman didn't try to save the kid! Oh yeah, I forgot, if the woman didn't keep taking the video she might have missed getting the gore and mess on film if the gun did go off.

There is also something disturbing about people sticking cameras anywhere and everywhere even if a crime isn't happening. Taking my picture without my permission is an invasion of my privacy and freedom since I have the right to go anywhere I wish without interference..... and having someone watching my movements... even if by chance... is interference. I'm no criminal and I have nothing to hide in what I do on a daily basis... that isn't what it is all about..... it is the principal of the thing. I'm glad that .... so far!... the U.S. hasn't gone like England where there are cameras on every street corner with people watching the monitors and counting the farts of private citizens going about their private and daily lives.

Ok............... my rant for the day is done.
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Offline jh45gun

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« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2004, 03:26:34 PM »
I have to agree about the camera bit!
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline dukkillr

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« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2004, 04:25:08 PM »
unfortunately the supreme court disagrees with our camera argument.  Their view is that if you wander out into public, you're willing allowing  yourself and your actions to be viewed by the general public.  That same general public can take pictures of anything they see just as easily as they can sit back and view it with their naked eye.  Quite honestly I don't want to live in a world where that kind of openness is illegal, and I conduct my actions in public accordingly.

Offline Mikey

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« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2004, 02:06:29 AM »
I wonder if anyone had made the woman who took the video aware that had the child injured itself SHE could have been held just as liable for viewing and witnessing unsafe behavior but not doing anything to possibly prevent an injury.  Just calling in the police after something has happened doesn't exonerate you from that sort of responsibility.  Mikey.

Offline Mauser

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« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2004, 02:10:19 AM »
The issue for me is not whether it should be illegal for the videotaper to do what she did-it should not-but rather that she is an immoral piece of s__t who was going to let that kid possibly die to get her "scoop."

Just because something is legal, doesn't necessarily make it moral.

Offline jh45gun

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« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2004, 03:13:28 AM »
Camera aside, The parents still painted a picture we do not like to see the anti gunners use Shooting and drinking while your 3 year old plays with one of your guns. It was just plain irresponsible and dumb! Expecially since they knew the neighbor did not get along with them and would love a way to get at them. Duh!
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Bikenut

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« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2004, 04:02:28 AM »
Quote from: dukkillr
unfortunately the supreme court disagrees with our camera argument.  Their view is that if you wander out into public, you're willing allowing  yourself and your actions to be viewed by the general public.  That same general public can take pictures of anything they see just as easily as they can sit back and view it with their naked eye.  Quite honestly I don't want to live in a world where that kind of openness is illegal, and I conduct my actions in public accordingly.

To my mind there is a difference between my actions being seen by eye and those actions being preserved for all time on a permanent record (film) without my consent or even my knowledge. The mindset that considers it ok to record people's movements in a clandestine manner (taking pictures without asking) even if the intent isn't clandestine smacks of "Big Brother" thinking. And that is what doesn't sit well with me. And the Supreme Court and Big Brother are the same thing.

Consider this....... supposing I scratch my butt when I think no one is looking but ONE person sees me do it. That one person either is disgusted or finds it funny. Now what if that person catches my butt scratching on video and shows it to the entire neighborhood? All of a sudden the whole world has access to something that should have been restricted to.... if you weren't there to see it you don't need to know about it. Big difference...  the mindset that goes with those cameras is just plain wrong! Sneaky camera operators are nothing more than high tech peeping Toms.

Back to the stupid people who allowed the child access to the gun........ Unfortunately there is always a small percentage of fools in every segment of society. Those fools will always do stupid stuff that puts everyone else in a bad light. And there will always be another segment of society that wants to squash the other segment... read that as gun owners being one segment and anti-gunners being the other.... and they will jump on any small or large incident in order to prove their point. All this is just human nature and I ran into the same kind of thing with motorcycles... every motorcycle wreck proved to anti-motorcyclists that motorcycles should be outlawed... every idiot who tore up a hillside with an off road motorcycle proved off road motorcycles destroy the environment and should be outlawed.

It's the same old baloney where the implement (gun or bike) becomes the target for new laws instead of addressing the fact that a small percentage of people are idiots and the people involved should be taken to task for their actions.

Ok.... I'm gonna step offa my soapbox.
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Offline dukkillr

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« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2004, 08:18:37 AM »
it's true that there will always be stupid people within any group of people.  But to be considered credible that group needs to denounce the inapporpriate actions of that group.  This is why president bush wouldn't speak to the NAACP last week, because they wouldn't denounce some crazy inflamatory statements made by one of their officers.  The hunting and shooting crowd needs to take a stand against things that give us a bad reputation or we risk losing more and more popular support for what we do.

You'll get no argument from me about how the lady SHOULD have helped, but she has no duty to rescue in that situation and she would not be liable if something happens.  And Bikenut, don't scratch your butt in public  :grin: .  Seriously, when you're in public you're subjected to the possibility that you could be in someone's pictures or videos... that's just the way it is.  Don't like it if you wish, but it is reality.

Offline marlinman93

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« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2004, 03:46:44 PM »
You know I just don't see a whole lot of difference between the parents and the neighbor here. They both left the child to do whatever he might with the handgun. The real difference is the parents were too stupid, or drunk to know, and the neighbor was too stupid, or busy filming to stop him!
 They should take all of them and lock them up where they wont be near any kids!
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Offline jgalar

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« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2004, 05:24:09 PM »
Sorry folks, but it sounds like a staged event to me.

Just because you see something on film doesn't mean its factual.

Does the name Michael Moore ring any bells.
What about those alien autopsies.