I don't know how big your shed is and how much room you have, but I have a room that is 12' by 8'. With my safe and Gorrilla Racks for supplies, loaded ammo and brass, I don't have that much room left on my 7' workbench. Many years ago, I had less room and I have used the same old Kitchen cabinet with storage below and a 3/4" particleboard top.
I have a Dillon 550 machine, an RCBS Rock Chucker press, a Saeco bullet lubrisizer, a Star Lubrisizer and a case trimmer.
Well, I can't get all of that bolted down on my Reloading Bench and then have room to lay anything down on the bench or even work with the tools.
I mounted each tool on a 2X6" board that is between 20" & 21" long with a Door Hinge on the end that goes back to the wall side of the bench where the matching part of the door hinge is mounted on a 2X4 board. I set the board with the tool on the bench, slide it into the waiting hinge, slip in the hinge pin and then put a C Clamp on the front side of the bench to hold down the front portion.
I rotate out my tools as needed and I still have room on my bench for other items that land there. I store the unused tools on a shelf. Some tools, like the heavy RCBS Rockchucker requires a 4 or 5 pound lead ingot to keep it from teetering off the shelf, but the rest set there just fine.
If you like, I will send you photos via email. I need your email address by PM, though.
Harold Clark