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Offline Dali Llama

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Startling Comparisons
« on: August 12, 2004, 03:23:18 PM »
Startling Comparisons
By Michael P. Tremoglie

August 12, 2004
This political season the criticisms of George W. Bush and the accolades afforded John Kerry are well known.

One was criticized for his military service. The other was a wounded war hero.

One was called a scourge and a misfortune. The other was called a genius.

One was called dull. The other was called charming.

However, these contrasting examples of remarks are about Bush and Kerry – they describe George Washington and Benedict Arnold.

Washington was called a scourge and misfortune by one newspaper near the end of term in office – just as Bush is similarly characterized by many papers. Washington was called dull – just as Bush is considered a rube. George Washington’s military service was criticized by many of his peers. He was considered an inept commander – just as George W. Bush is.

Conversely, Benedict Arnold was a hero - who was twice wounded. He was promoted quickly – albeit not as quickly as his ambition desired. Arnold was considered urbane – just as the French speaking Kerry is. Like Benedict Arnold, John F. Kerry was a very courageous soldier. He was the recipient of several commendations for his service in Viet Nam. Like Benedict Arnold, John Kerry married a wealthy widow.

Like Benedict Arnold, John Kerry was and is a very ambitious person. According to some who served with him, Kerry always planned to be president and his military service was part of that plan. When Kerry accepts the nomination by saluting and saying he is reporting for duty, this is part of his personal plan since he was in his early twenties.

Like Benedict Arnold, Kerry changed from helping his country to helping the enemies of his country. The person who volunteered for duty to protect those who could not protect themselves, helped those who would eventually enslave and murder millions of people.

As someone once said, if you do not believe the " Domino Theory," ask some of the dominoes. Ask them about whether the American soldiers in Vietnam were war criminals – as Kerry claimed - or heroes. Ask the Vietnamese boat people if the Vietnam War were valid. A million and a half Vietnamese left communist Vietnam on anything that would float so that they would not be summarily executed or sent to re-education camps. Ask the Cambodians who escaped the greatest genocide in history - in relation to the total population – if they think American soldiers were invaders. Ask the Laotians – more than half of the population fled the country – what they thought of Americans.

In fact, there are several groups opposing Kerry’s candidacy. This coalition is comprised of Vietnam veterans, Vietnamese refugees and families of POW/MIA’s. They are Vietnam Vets Against Kerry, Vietnamese-Americans Against Kerry, and Families of POW/MIA’s against Kerry. They say Kerry lied while people died.

These atrocities were committed by the communists who Kerry did not consider a threat – after he returned from Vietnam. So while Kerry testified about atrocities committed by American soldiers, during an auto-da-fe orchestrated by the great segregationist Senator William Fulbright, actual atrocities were being committed by Kerry’s new found friends and heroes – the Communists. These atrocities were monumental. The politicide and genocide perpetrated by the Vietnamese and Cambodian and Laotian communists rivaled any other in human history.

Kerry’s testimony – much of which was later discredited – was used to demoralize American POW’s, according to many former POW’s - including Senator John McCain.

Kerry ignores the criticism and condemnation of Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese victims of communist atrocities. These people are outraged by his allegations.

The veterans who criticize him say Kerry lied while good men died. Yet, the liberal media claques do not ask why these people hate Kerry so much. They, hypocritically, disparage his accusers, while they bristle if a Democrat or anti-war demonstrator is called unpatriotic.

Kerry’s patriotism is unquestionable. However, like Arnold, his judgment and credibility are another matter. They can be condemned and should be. He has made some major misstatements and judgmental errors and unwittingly encouraged atrocities, genocide, and totalitarian dictatorships - all in the name of peace.

During Vietnam, he established himself as one who will risk his life for his country. Kerry’s patriotism then was not to be questioned. However, his subsequent testimony before the Senate may be a reason to question his patriotism - since much of what Kerry said was communist propaganda.

Even if you give Kerry the benefit of the doubt, and say he thought he was being patriotic, then you have to wonder why someone who admitted to committing war crimes was never prosecuted. Is it not ironic that the moralistic, pacifists of the Democratic Party nominated a self-confessed war criminal?

John Kerry was a hero. Benedict Arnold was a war hero.

Benedict Arnold betrayed his country. Some people – including many of his fellow veterans who just like Kerry were war heroes – feel that Kerry betrayed his country.

It is ironic that Kerry invokes the name of Benedict Arnold to describe corporations with foreign offices - some say Kerry is the Benedict Arnold candidate.
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline jh45gun

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Startling Comparisons
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 06:14:09 PM »
Good one !
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.