Howie 1968,
I am also a finger shooter. It's good to see a few of us out there.
There are several problems I see with your current setup. I looked up the PSE Bruin and the axle to axle length of 36" could be causing you to pinch your fingers on the nock. Most finger shooters are shooting bows with an axle to axle of 40" or more. Another problem is that you are using a solocam bow. These cams work great for release shooters, but cause problems for finger shooting because of the narrow valley in their force draw curve. In other words when you have the bow at full draw, allowing the string any slack will cause it to aggresively pull from your fingers. A good finger bow has a much smoother force draw curve. Lastly, the TM Hunter style rest is not designed for finger shooters. It does not have the left to right flexibilty that is needed for finger shooting.
Back when I switched to finger shooting, I also tested the Whisker Biscuit. It does
not allow the proper left to right flexibility for finger shooting. Carolina Archery Products had a solution to this problem. It was to start cutting away at the whiskers on either side of the arrow. To be fair I never tested that solution. I guess the thought of buying a $50 rest and having to void the warranty just to see if it would work didn't suit me.
I use the NAP Centerest Flipper and I absolutely love it. It is simple, field replaceable, and quiet.
If you want some more information on this subject you can find it at :grin: