Author Topic: Things that sneak up on ya...............  (Read 1144 times)

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Offline Bikenut

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« on: September 04, 2004, 03:52:21 PM »
Been carrying for quite a while so the gun has become a part of me..... and here is where complacency crept in. My lady and I play a game while shopping. One will sneak up on the other and do something silly to the other.... like whisper: "Hey Baby... wanna go home with me and (I'll leave that part out)?" Or give a slap on the butt or a quick hug. All this hoping to catch the other unaware and startle 'em. Well, today I went into Gander Mountain looking for ammo while my Lady went next door to Lowe's... While I'm walking out of Gander Mountain I feel a hand brush past my gun and snake around my waist.... and here is the scary part... no alarm bells rang in my head. I just assumed it was my Lady playing the "sneak up game" with me. Well, it was her and we both giggled because the game didn't work this time.....

Later, while walking to the car it dawned on me that I had made some very bad errors.

1. I was walking out of a store with my head up my arse totally unaware of my surroundings. I had no idea of what was going on around me. I had allowed myself to get lost in thought while in a public place.

2. When a hand touched my concealed gun I didn't react in a defensive manner. In fact, I didn't react at all. I assumed it was my Lady even before getting any clues that it was her.

3. During the walk to the car I allowed my Lady to walk close to me (we were having a lovers "moment") on my carry side.

All of these things could get me and/or my Lady killed. I will endeavor to be more aware from now on and I'm going to not only brush up on weapon retention moves but will train myself to react instantly, and without having to think first, with weapon retention first and what ever next to a touch upon my firearm. And I'll not allow my Lady to walk on my carry side.
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Offline Bubba w/a 45/70

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2004, 03:05:35 AM »
Bikenut, you should be spanked (preferrably by your Lady) for allowing this lapse of judgement. :-D

Seriously, if you two play games like this all the time, then complacency will set in.  And yes, it was a major, just be thankful that all you recieved out of this was :oops:
"I SHOOT BACK!"     Uncle Ted

Offline papajohn428

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2004, 01:38:19 PM »
In the interest of safety, I'd say it's time to put the game on hold.  You can always play graba$$ when you get home.  :wink:  

My honey made the mistake of sneaking up on me in my shed and putting her hand on my, um, near my concealed gun.  I dumped her on the floor and almost broke her wrist before I realized it was her.   :oops:

Now if she wants to play, she makes sure I'm unarmed first!  

There is no peace in Condition White!

If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

Offline Mikey

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2004, 02:23:32 AM »
Don't want to be a stick in the craw but I never felt that anyone who carried seriously should even think about playing games.  Mikey.

Offline myronman3

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2004, 03:15:04 AM »
well i have to dissent.  i dont know about you guys, but i have been with my wife long enough now that i instantly know her touch,  dont ask me how.  i assume those of us that have been together a long time know what i mean.   i know her footsteps, outline in the dark,  her breathing pattern,  i can even recognize her if she is dressed differently and in a crowd just by seeing the top of her head move with her  walk.   and her touch feels different from anyone else's.  
      i suspect, bikernut, you knew it was her instantly at touch.   and am willing to bet you would have known instantly if it were me grabbing you from behind instead.

Offline Bikenut

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2004, 04:03:34 AM »
Ok guys....

For those who chastised me for "playing games" with a loved one in public... You are right .... partially I think. Since I started this thread I've done some thinking and have come to the conclusion that life without little lovers games would be waaay too serious and not much fun at all. But there is also the other side of that equation in that playing games does put both of us into condition white. I suspect that somewhere in there is a happy medium wherein lovers games can happen without my dropping into a blizzard condition white. To me, life without lovers games would be insufferably dull.

Myronman? Perhaps you have hit upon something with my instinctively knowing my Lady's touch. I know her walk, her scent, and on a subconscious level can even feel her presence before seeing her. Perhaps that is why no alarm bells went off initially since her hand sliding around my waist felt so very familiar and the bump against the gun didn't matter because I knew my Lady wasn't about to grab the gun. Since that incident we both have talked about it and are both aware there will no longer be any snuggling on my carry side while walking in public. Snuggling on my non carry side is still permissible... in fact... it is encouraged! Also, grab butt games will be done all from the non carry side.

And yet....................... to everyone.... I started this thread in order to show that when a person carries daily, as a matter of course, complacency can set in... and it was offered as a "heads up" for all.

One last thing I'd like to say.... I'm 56 years old and have from birth been a romantic at heart.. I love lovin' my Lady and showing that love in playful ways. Just because I carry a gun to protect her and myself doesn't mean I'm going to give up that wonderful aspect of life. Were I to stop playing lovers games with my lover it would mean the "bad guys" took something special away from us.... without even having to accost us at all... and that is unacceptable!
The longer I live, the older I get.
Neither has anything to do with wisdom.

Offline papajohn428

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2004, 11:03:37 AM »
Bikebut, you make a valid point, and I think therefore I should clarify/restate mine.  In the context you just described, such a game is no longer what I would consider "graba$$ing", it falls into a different category.  Just the same, anything that distracts you too much, or lets you slide into condition white, is a no-no when you're packin'.  I know it's easy to slide, and fun to do, but ya gotten be ready for anything in public!

I love my honey dearly, but she is a classic blonde about some things, and lapsing into condition white is one.  I'm still working with her on it, but old habits die hard!

Several months ago, we were in a grocery store, done shopping, and carrying our stuff out toward the exit.  I noticed a pair of managers to our right, who had backed a suspected shoplifter into a corner as they prepared to apprehend him.  He was tall, rangy, and wild-eyed as they closed in on him, and I knew he was about to make a break, and the only thing between him and the exit was us.  Kim kept walking, probably reading the receipt, and I turned toward the shoplifter, went into a gunfighter's crouch, and patted my right side.  The bad guy saw me, and the look in my eye, looked at my hand, and suddenly slumped, as the male store manager asked him to turn around and put his hands on the wall.  He complied, and I quickly caught up with Kim as we left the store.

She never saw any of it.  Had she been alone, things could have been terribly different  

There is no peace in Condition White!

Papajohn the Protective Paramour
If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

Offline Bikenut

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2004, 02:18:06 PM »

We are in agreement that condition White is a very bad place to be. And yes, I did let myself fall from Yellow into White on the day I mentioned. And realized it and am trying to figure out how to stay in Yellow but not lose the lovers play in the process.

My Lady is not blonde but may as well be when it comes to being aware of danger. I swear she could walk through a full blown riot while checking her shopping list and later ask me what all the noise was about. (I think I just explained why I felt so bad <guilty> about my lapse of awareness that day). Sometimes she gives me that "dumb" look when I see something or someone appearing not right and get real alert. Then she takes her cue from my demeanor and also gets alert... but there is that momentary hesitation from her.

As an aside..... when we first got together my Lady thought I was being a bit paranoid by watching everything around us. Now she has become more aware of what kind of world we really live in and prefers to have me go with her everywhere because... as she said: "You will protect me."

No... that doesn't make me feel like a knight in shining armor. It scares me because she needs to not always rely on me for her safety. I can't always be there nor will I always "catch" a bad situation developing since being vigilant doesn't mean I can't be had or even taken out. She doesn't carry yet but a CCW of her own is in the future.

Perhaps my recent experience with becoming complacent is another step in the ongoing process of learning to live with a gun as a tool to use for protecting lives.
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Offline ihuntbucks

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2004, 05:09:38 PM »
bikenut..........."Asummion (sp?) is the birth mother of all screw-up".......Rick :shock:
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Offline myronman3

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2004, 04:35:00 AM »
Quote from: ihuntbucks
bikenut..........."Asummion (sp?) is the birth mother of all screw-up".......Rick :shock:

actually, it is indecision that is the mother of all...

you guys do what you think is right for yourselves.  the day i quit flirting with the old lady is the day i die.   you can be alert and still have fun at the same time.    go with what works for you...

Offline Zcarp2

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Watch out for your Lady
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2004, 06:56:57 AM »
We recently moved to a big city and we are both a little bit paranoid.  I took the kids to the pet store while she went to the craft store 4 doors down.  I got real paranoid and called her on the cell phone - she assured me that everything was alright and she would see me in 5 minutes - I was on edge until I saw her.

After she got to the pet store, she told me that a guy was following her between stores, so she ducked into one of the other ones and watched him through the glass.  When he saw her looking at him, he did a 180 and left.  We both feel that she was being stalked.

Not normally being into the 5th sense type of stuff, it appears that I have made a connection with my wife of 10 years.  This still unsettles me.  She is supposed to get her CCW soon.  I am always walking up behind her and startling her, she can't do that to me and it aggravates the daylights out of her.  She keeps trying - and so do the kids.

"The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty first, the love of soft living and the get-rich-quick theory of life." - - - Theodore Roosevelt

Offline cam69conv

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2004, 08:57:14 AM »
Quote from: cknight98

as to playing games, well you can ask my wife i dont play very many games at all.  especially while out in public because she is usually the one walking around without a clue of whats going on around her and i have to watch her back and mine...

hehehe Ill bet your wifey didnt see you type that did she Ck :biggun:
You want a divorce if I go hunting today??? Well sorry ta see ya go...Was nice knowin ya..Dont let tha door hit ya where tha good lord split ya :D

Offline cam69conv

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2004, 09:54:57 AM »
Just ribbin ya Ck :)  :)  :)
You want a divorce if I go hunting today??? Well sorry ta see ya go...Was nice knowin ya..Dont let tha door hit ya where tha good lord split ya :D

Offline cam69conv

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2004, 04:46:57 AM »
Lawdy Ck I wish that WAS true with MY wife...That woman notices EVERYTHING..Aint noone could get away with nothin with that woman around..We can walk by a crowd of people...after we pass them all Ill ask her to describe the 5th one back...She'll rattle off a discription in a second...Hell she make ME nervous at times..Wanna trade??? Ifn yours looks good Ill trade ya dead up even..Hell ill even throw in a nice begal hound fer rabbit runnin :-D  :-D
You want a divorce if I go hunting today??? Well sorry ta see ya go...Was nice knowin ya..Dont let tha door hit ya where tha good lord split ya :D

Offline pyro4911

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2004, 03:18:38 PM »
Bikenut - If you carry - you have the responsibility to learn and practice weapon retention for your own safety and the others around you.  I'm an LEO and I can tell you that there is no worse feeling than someone trying to disarm you (its a deadly force situation).  Even when I'm off duty I do not like people close to my right side.  Unfortunately,  have given  couple of good elbows,and strikes to the radial nerves of family members who surprise me on that side.  It comes with the job - Like it or not.  And it comes with the responsibility of carrying a weapon.  

Its all mind set - someone trys to take your side arm - "Buddy you just screwed up - GAME ON!"

Offline 44 Man

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2004, 11:23:02 AM »
Sounds like you learned from this experience, that's all any of us can ask of ourselves.  Col. Cooper would agree.  44 Man
You are never too old to have a happy childhood!

Offline cam69conv

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Things that sneak up on ya...............
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2004, 07:33:11 PM »
hehehe Ck I tried...derg nabbit I caint trade this woman fer nuthin...LOL good thing though...She's one hell of a woman....
You want a divorce if I go hunting today??? Well sorry ta see ya go...Was nice knowin ya..Dont let tha door hit ya where tha good lord split ya :D