If you live in SW FL you should have more places to hunt hogs than you can ever get to. I am not familiar with the WMA's in your area, but those are a good place to start. Finding Citrus farms that have damage issues are a gem, take care of business for them, treat the land better than your own, and you will have a hog hunting haven for life. Best bet is to join a hunt club, pro here is of course the limited access to the land from unknown folks, sharing information, and being able to put up stands without much risk of loss, con of course is the cost and you may not be able to join year to year if the club loses it's lease. It is also a bit late in the season to find one, best time to locate one is after the season.
I live in Gville and found that I was most comfortable in joining a club after trying some of the WMA's, but that of course is my experience and you could find a honeyhole down in your area. For me west of town in the swampier areas was the ticket for hogs.
Good luck and let us know how you do.