Author Topic: Encore questions---please help  (Read 1080 times)

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Offline Kevan

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Encore questions---please help
« on: December 25, 2002, 08:15:13 AM »
Hello, folks! This is my first post here.

  I'm seriously considering a purchase of a T/C Encore pistol. The one I'm looking at is a .308 I have a few questions I hope you folks could answer for me.

1.) Can the Encore pistol be adapted to use a rifle stock and Encore rifle barrels? So, if I wanted to, I could maximize versatility? I see the Encore rifle has a set-up for 20 gauge shotgun and that would be splendid to be able take advantage of, plus the variations on single shot rifle. I'm mainly interested in the pistol mode, but to have rifle options would be great.

2.) I'm not a big guy. Can I handle recoil on this pistol? I shoot a .357 Mag pistol normally, about 100 rounds a session. I've owned a short barrel .44 Mag with no recoil problems. What do I need to expect here?

3.) Can the .223 barrel handle 5.56 milsurp ammo? Some folks say you shouldn't mix these two up on some firearms. This pistol is going to be a "fun gun" target shooter  for me mostly with an eye towards hunting with it in the future, so it's nice to use milsurp ammo to practice with for the price (as I do with my.308 rifle.)

4.) Is the Encore rugged and reliable? It sure feels like it, but I figure I better ask anyway.

5.) Any tips or suggestions?

  Thank you very much in advance.

Offline Gregory

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Encore questions---please help
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2002, 10:38:36 AM »
1.) Can the Encore pistol be adapted to use a rifle stock and Encore rifle barrels? So, if I wanted to, I could maximize versatility? I see the Encore rifle has a set-up for 20 gauge shotgun and that would be splendid to be able take advantage of, plus the variations on single shot rifle. I'm mainly interested in the pistol mode, but to have rifle options would be great. [/size]
2.) I'm not a big guy. Can I handle recoil on this pistol? I shoot a .357 Mag pistol normally, about 100 rounds a session. I've owned a short barrel .44 Mag with no recoil problems. What do I need to expect here?
Size has nothing to do with handling recoil. I've fired a 260 Encore and recoil is more comfortable than my 44 Mag Contender.

3.) Can the .223 barrel handle 5.56 milsurp ammo? Some folks say you shouldn't mix these two up on some firearms. This pistol is going to be a "fun gun" target shooter for me mostly with an eye towards hunting with it in the future, so it's nice to use milsurp ammo to practice with for the price (as I do with my.308 rifle.)
I suggest you ask the factory, but I would think it would be ok.

4.) Is the Encore rugged and reliable? It sure feels like it, but I figure I better ask anyway.
Yes, mine has been so far.

5.) Any tips or suggestions?
Yes, get a trigger job done or learn how to do one if you're handy, and don't use a hammer extension, the hammer spur tends to break.

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Offline KYODE

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Encore questions---please help
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2002, 07:28:35 AM »
gregory is right on. i havn't had a problem with my hammer extension as of yet though. knock on wood.
recoil is not a problem with my 7-08. it just takes a little getting used to. it doesn't hurt a bit and just jumps staight up instead of back into your hand. it may be more intense than a 44, but no more rearward push. IMO :D
i see no reason the full metal jacket ammo wouldn't be just fine. you probably will not get the accuracy that these things can produce. but for inexpensive shooting it'll be fine.
try several different ammo's for accuracy comparison. they will all shoot different. some better than others. reloading is a fun way to shoot cheaper after the initial investment for tooling. with sandbag rests these things are capable of groups at 100 yards less than 1". some of the best may go 1/2". just remember practice,practice,practice.

Offline scottzerger

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Encore 308win Pistol barrel 15"
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2003, 03:27:47 PM »
Hey Kevin

   I rec'd one as a gift, Its for sale . barrel only with muzzle tamer.
 See classifieds


Offline TopGun

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« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2003, 03:54:53 PM »
Kevin, I shoot Mil surplus .308 thru mine all the time and with great results, BUT---clean it!!!, as there is a lot of MilSurplus ammo out there that has 'slightly' corrosive berdan primers. Is there a real meaning to 'slightly'? CLEAN IT IMMEDIATELY!!! Still, it is a great way to shoot alot. The new Argentine stuff is only about $13.00/100rds and a bunch is available at $3-4/20rds everywhere. It is extremely accurate in my 15" Encore. I emailed TC and told them what I was doing and they had no problem with it. The shsotguns and rifles/pistols are interchangable and the Encore is probably the most versatile system out there. Recoil on a 15" 308 is much less(different) than my .44 mags!
Good luck!
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Offline T/C nimrod

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Encore questions---please help
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2003, 04:25:31 PM »
Check your state regulations regarding barrel lengths and rifle stocks. There may be a minimum barrel length that you can use w/ a rifle stock.
Kinda puts a halt on some of the versatility!
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