OK, first Im sorry if I got some people here to touch off each others nerves. Not intended.
I am not prepping to hunt this year. So I have plenty of time to practice, and was practicing (key word WAS, my local club is having problems, so I lost the closest place I can shoot, and living in Suburbia means no backyard shooting...) My only, I dunno what to call it.......worry, with the Pearson is that the only rest that can be used is a flipper rest. I am getting used to it, but I worry too much about having a nice sharp broadhead slip off and turn me to confetti should I twist, slip or move the wrong way. The big reason I kinda decided not to use the Pearson for hunting is that the guy at the bow shop (and yes I realize they are in the business of selling equipment, but the friend from work who brought me to help out is real good friends with ALL the guys there and he guarentees the guy is on the up and up,) said he would not reccomend it at all. AS it is my arrows are waaaaay too long because with a broadhead on it will not clear the riser. The bow is in great shape, he said, but its just so antiquated it will be more of a hassle than a help.......and considering Im new to this Im all for making things easier. But like cam69 said, Im a man of meager means. I am looking at a PSE Typhoon or Reflex Excursion (possibly the PSE Firestorm lite) for a main bow, so you can see my budget is going to be about $300-$350 for the bare bow, and of course the more I spend on the Bow the more that cuts into the accessories added on. Im TRYING like hell to scrap together the cash, and if I do I will buy the bow I TRUELY want, an AR. But for right now that is a pipe dream. I suppose if I scrape together that ind of cash I could buy two of the same lesser priced bows, but lets face it. If you could buy an AR or two PSEs, which would you do......most likely the AR.
So considering all this you can see why Im looking at the "Wal-Mart" special. Like I noted before, I know it aint perfect, I know it aint the fastest, shortest, lightest, most capable. But I do see it as basically a "hundred dollar insurance plan" for that Just-in-case security.
If anyone needs any more info Ill answer best I can. This is turning out to be a more difficult decision than I thought.