I've been chauffering bird hunters around for the last 2 days.We went to a big pasture south of the house 8 miles yesterday.The pasture is 10 miles long and 4 to 4 1/2 miles wide.It is nicknamed the "Sandhills".It is sand dunes covered with grass,chokecherries,wild plums and Juneberries.Lots of bunnies and whitetail deer.I drove out on a long ridge that runs into the middle of it.Half way in is 4 gates in a saddle on the ridge.In the intersection is a sandblow.There where 7 different fresh sets of coyote tracks through the saddle(It had rained the afternoon before).There were fresh droppings some with chokecherries in them and some beef hair.My bird hunters didn't do so well,they must have bent barrels.But I have to go in and set this up after the bird season.It funnels everything running east and west through this area.It looks like 5 sets would cover it nicely.This may be the first place "Ma" catches coyotes in.I have to get back to work and get a digital camera.This really got the fever fired up.