The weather is getting cooler, and it sure is nice!
I have been getting some new {used} traps, tuning them up, and organizing the trap shed, the bait and lure making stuff too!
This type of activity, the 'prepping' is fun, in and of 'itsownself'. I've never started getting ready so early! Three months till the fur season, and lots of chores are already done.
This will be a good season, with the two Hog traps, I plan on making $1,000.00 from the line. 80% from Hog. Hog market is always good! Each Hog trap will hold 6- 200 Lb Hog!
A phone call will get Jorge over here with his whole roofing crew, to hack up Mr. Hog and pay me $50. each. Jorge and his crew love Hog, and selling them by the pound, we both can make money.
The fur market is good, and with luck a few hundred from the fur too, I can buy myself more traps!
After my 'wreck' there's nothing I woud rather do!
Don't care at all about money now. Driving 100 miles every day in order to sell more roofs, so that I could afford my yellow page ad, & bills, $300. a month worth of gas, $300. worth of resturant food, and $300. worth of beer, [because I live in my truck...] I would rather eat beans! And just stay home. Hey! Beans are pretty good! That is what God made onions and Jalepenos for...!!!
I woke up in a hospital bed, three years ago, after being in a coma 5 weeks. All that had ever happened in my life, that mattered to me or God, was memorys of my Hounds, the trail and the trapline.
We had been murdered, the white trash who killed us died in prison.
Cotton Joedog told me while I was 'out' that "I was missing my life,
and that they would all be with me if they could but they can't! "That after 'we' died":
"You never got another hound, you never set another trap, you never hunted at all!"
"To get me some more Hounds and go hunting!" And I woke up!
Landscaping, Irrigation systems, and Roofing, 35 years, meant nothing!
So being so profoundly focused, on what God sent me back to the earth for, I now know what I am meant to do! "Get me some more Hounds and go hunting!"
And to party on dude!