Author Topic: Anybody getting their sportster ready for small game season?  (Read 781 times)

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Offline scruffy

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Anybody getting their sportster ready for small game season?
« on: August 23, 2004, 08:33:43 AM »
Yesterday I pulled my sportster 22mag and sportster 22lr out of the safe.  I didn't have a scope mounted on the 22lr so I mounted my old reliable (bought it over 15 years ago) Bushnell sharpshooter 4x32 scope on weaver high rings.  Should work great for fall time plinking and squirrels.  On the 22mag sportster I pulled the 6-18x50 target scope off (which I mounted to shoot the postal match with but never did...) and mounted a bushnell banner 3-9x40 "muzzle loader" scope with the circle-x recticle.  It's for some plinking, but mainly for squirrels and larger fur bearers like raccoons, foxes, coyotes, etc in and along timber and creeks where the shots are fairly short, mostly 50 yards or less with most of the shots under 25 yards.

I sighted the 22mag in yesterday.  Squirrel and rabbit season here opens up Sept 1, so I'm atleast partially ready.  I need to get the 22lr sighted in, I use it primarily until fox and raccoon season opens in November.  

Anybody else getting fired up to a start of another hunting season?

Hunting is 99% brain, 1% gun

Offline hellacatcher

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Anybody getting their sportster ready for s
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2004, 10:46:01 AM »
Sportster is all shined up, the buck knife is sharp, pot is on the stove all just waiting for sun rise sat morn. probley to forgot something. :D
from Tennessee---Paul

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Anybody getting their sportster ready for s
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2004, 01:05:18 PM »
If i can find the time this range bound with the 22lr sportster.
its squirrel huntin accurate now.....just want to tweek it a little  :-D

hellacatcher; you Tenn. guys open everything one week before us. Im jealous   :roll:  good luck sat.

Im like a small child waiting on christmas!!!
10 days till tree rat season.......and counting!!


Offline scruffy

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Anybody getting their sportster ready for s
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2004, 10:30:22 AM »
Well today was opening morning, but I didn't make it out.  I have to stop at the archery place on the way home, look at their mechanical releases, and them I'm headed for home.  Hopefully I'll get a 1/2 hour in the field, maybe longer, maybe none at all.  Tomorrow morning though I'll be up before the squirrels and I'll have till 9:00am to hopefully bag a one.  It should be a good challenge given my oaks haven't started dropping much mast yet and the leaves are still really thick.  I'll have to stake out some of last years "bedding areas" and see if they're still occupied.  Maybe I can create some vacancies.  :wink:

Hunting is 99% brain, 1% gun

Offline scruffy

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Anybody getting their sportster ready for s
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2004, 09:40:43 AM »
Well, so far the sportster is 4 shots fired, 2 kills.  :cry:   Last night I had 15 minutes to hunt.  So I took up an elevated position on the deck.  I immediately spotted a rabbit, 3 oclock, at 38 yards.  I rested the reciever on the deck railing, took aim, fired.

This is where it got strange.  You'd have thought I shot a muzzle loader it was so smokey.  I shot the rifle last week and only ran a dry patch through it so the barrel was clean of oil and "pre-fouled" for the season opening shot.  After the smoke cleared sat the rabbit, looking at me.  I slowly opened the breech, looked down the barrel, lots of unburnt powder, and slid in another round.  I took aim, this time resting the receiver in my hand instead of on the deck railing (incase the railing was making it bounce) and fired.  There was more smoke than usual but the rabbit did a back flip.  I had just enough time to skin it before I had to leave.  

But I left wondering what in the world caused the first shell to be so smokey.  When I got home I opened the breech to push a dry patch through it and found the bore was full of unburnt powder.  These were Winchester black box supremes (not good for rabbit, tooooo destructive!) that were a year old that I was using up, only had 8 shells left in that lot, all of the others (3 50 round boxes) shot fine.  For 2 in a row to shoot bad I must have gotten them wet or something.  Guess I have some more shells for the colt 22 mag dispatch pistol...

This morning I was up early and reloaded the stock shell holder with winchester silver box ammo.  At 7:00am a grey tree rat came to withen 15 feet of me on a low limb but I didn't have a clear shot, too many leaves.  He busted me and ran to the top of the tree and started to wag his tail.  He was sitting broadside to me, looking forward, not directly at me.  I placed the bullet just under his ear and down he came. (lucky off hand shot!!!)

30 minutes later I caught some movement on the ground to my right.  It was a rabbit around 15 feet away, broadside.  I pulled up the rifle, took aim at his melon, and pulled the trigger.  He ran off.  I felt so stupid!!!  When the shot rang out the cross airs were just ahead of his eye and down a bit.  The scope is mounted 1 3/4" above the bore and is zero'd for 20 yards.  At 15 feet, or 5 yards, the bullet is 1 1/3" below the cross airs so the bullet went 1 1/3" below my POA so the bullet went just under his jaw.  

One of the reason I like iron sights over a scope, the sight plane and bore plane are much closer together...

But, there's meat in the fridge, marinating in steak sauce, ready to put on the grill tonight!   8)

I can't wait for the upcoming 3 day weekend.  I feel like a kid a 1/4 my age!

Hunting is 99% brain, 1% gun

Offline hellacatcher

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Anybody getting their sportster ready for s
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2004, 05:02:21 PM »
Sat morn should be another day for me may be no thunder boomers this time. :)
from Tennessee---Paul