I know this is the handgun forum, but the JDJ cartridges are
more popular here, so I thought I might ask. Does anyone
where were data for velocities for JDJ loads may be found in
carbine lengths? I am most interested in the 6.5, 6.5MD, and 309.
Actually I have not found too much data for even handgun lengths
so a good source of that would be much appreciated too.
Lastly, I am interested in a contender carbine and was thinking of
the 309JDJ, but I currently load for Savage 99 in 300Savage, and life would be much easier for a 300 Savage, but I have read that a rimmed catridge is much better for a contender. Could someone explain the pros/cons of the 309JDJ versus the 300Sav in terms a novice like me could understand?
Thanks much,
P.S. I know an Encore may be a better choice for a rifle, and I am debating between the two, just trying to understand my contender options. There are pros and cons to both, including that here in CA the only handgun option is the contender (bought used from instate)