Only a couple of observations - I don't load for my 9x18 - was able to buy a case of Wolf ammo cheaper than I could load it! Yeah, I will probably have to replace the extractor in my Mackarov after I fire all those steel cases. Besides, the smaller the case the more problems my fingers seem to have handling them.
I concur with the idea of using the Lee Loader, I started with a couple of them too. The big problem with them is that they are S L O W ! Even a single stage press will be faster, and a turrent press will be even faster, and you can get a turrent for close to the price of a single stage, or less if you shot e-bay. I buy primers and powder locally, a case of 1000 primers won't break you, and will last a while. A can or two of powder will last quite a while in the cases you are loading. Bullets are where you find them, on-line, at gun shows, from manufacturers if one is close, from gun shops.
Get a manual or two, choose your powder from the data offered, and stick with that powder until you use it up. Then you can experiment with another, or stick with the same. Always start with a less then extreme load, and pay particular attention to how much powder is needed to increase velocity and pressures. You will find that a small amount makes a big differences in small cases. This argues for the purchase of a good powder scale and it's regular use.
Get to know your friend's dad real well, see if you can buy dies that will fit his equipment and use it under his supervision to start, until you can buy your own. He should be able to get you started well.