Good deal GaryL,glad somebody seeing some w/something on their heads :grin: .I have been going out each weekend,rain or shine,for 2 months or more.Have salt(white of course),mineral blocks,corn/sweet feed feeders out,in 4 different places.Oh yeah,I forgot my food plot in one area,w/salt and feeders also.But my point is,in the last several weeks I have seen around 25 or 30 deer,of course some are probably the same deer.I have seen 4 at one time.But NONE of them have had antlers,at least none I could see.Surely all these deer are not does.But if they are,I know some bucks are arond also.It's like this,you ever been to a bar on ladies night and no men show up? :eek: .I don't think so!!!!!!.....Rick