I recently managed to get a EAA Bounty Hunter II external hammer shot gun in 12 gage and love it except for the lack of longer barrels. The short barrels are great for competition and such, but for birds I wish they made a set of 26-28" barrels. They make a set of inserts for 45-70, and I may get a set of them, but would perfere a seperate barrel and site set-up for them. I would like to get/buy/build a set of 12 gage barrels 26-28", and a set of 20"+ barrels in 45-70.
Does anybody know of a set of barrels that would fit or could be easily modified to fit? How hard would it be to start from scratch? I have a metal lathe and milling machine, gas forge, needle tip oxy/propane torch, and grinders and files and ect.