I'm going to deviate from the other opinions and tell you what happened to me and my .357 - 10" TC. I put a long scope on the barrel and it required that I remove the Front Sight.
When I took the scope off, I didn't know which front sight came off of it, so I picked one out of the pile of many and stuck it on there. I was trying to shoot 38 special loads at 25 and 50 yards. I couldn't get down low enough for either distances. I also, shot some 200 grain cast loads in 357 Magnum cases at the same distances and shot over with everything.
The solution was putting the correct front sight back on the barrel. The 357 mag requires a tall front sight. Once I found the tallest one in the pile of front sights, everything worked just fine. The same thing occurs with the 96 Swedish Mauser when we try to shoot them at 100 yards. You gotta change out the front sight or solder a piece on top of it to make it shoot lower.
If you bought the barrel used, this may have happened to the barrel before you bought it.
Just a suggestion.
Harold Clark