Just thought I'd update this thread about the .22 rifles, especially the 504. Since the first go around with the Kimber Hunter, CZ Varmint, and 504, I've done some more testing. Here are the thoughts.
The Kimber Hunter has, since new, not fed and ejected properly. This seems to be a common complaint among owners. Mine has gotten progressively worse. It mangles ammo left in the clip as it feeds, and it looks bad enough to compromise accuracy. Now the rifle is shooting slightly over 3/4" at 50 yards, as compared to it's normal 3/8" groups. This is very frustrating for a $700 rifle. If you read the posts, or my emails responses from Kimber, they're hardly interested. More in a minute.
The Remmy 504 is still shooting like a champ. I traded it to my neighbor in a deal that netted me the CZ Varmint he had. With a little bedding of the barrel, the Varmint is an amazingly accurate rifle. I'm really impressed with this rifle, and how it balances. Since we pretty much have communal guns, I still shoot it a lot. I topped it with a Weaver 2-7 rimfire scope which seems to look just right.
I was so impressed with the CZ Varmint that I bought a CZ American with some of the proceeds from the Kimber trade. Without touching the bedding at all, and only doing a trigger job, this rifle will cut 3/8" groups at 50 yards easily. It also doesn't hurt that it has exceptional wood on it. I like the fit and feel better than the Kimber. Both of these CZs feed and function without hesitation, a nice change from the Kimber. I've not seen a .22 yet that will best this American by much, it's quickly becoming my favorite .22 rilfe.
I'll be working on the Kimber feeding/ejecting problems in the future, and I hope things work out, but as of now I'm pretty disappointed with Kimber. If you hop over the rimfirecentral.com and read up on the problems, you'll see what I've been experiencing, and it ain't fun.