Hey ya'll, I have a problem...
About scents... [I am thinking Cat, as well as Coon, and mr. Yote too.]
I have some Dried Beaver Castor, and need to make some kind of concoction for this winter. I also have a whole Beaver in the freezer, chopped up in small egg size pieces, hair and all, the Castor and such fine ground and mixed in with the Beaver along with corn oil, to help the Beav. stay fresh in the freezer a whole year. Now this will be a fine bait, as it is.
Also, half a pound of Castor I bought, along with 4 oz of... Beaver oil!
Of course I have anise, corn syrup, molasses, some Bobcat glands I have saved since last year, and some Coyote gland lure I made myself years ago! Two gallons to be exact.
About 17 years to be exact! It still smells about as weird as it did back then.
Now, Anyway I mix this stuff up will attract something. But, I was specifically wondering about Beaver oil.
Oil, it seems would cover up a smell, so that it was stuck in the oil and closed off from the air around it, unable to be smelled by a critter.
Is there any truth to that or not?
Or would Beaver oil be a good lure base? Could I mix a castor with enough Beaver oil, since the Castor is dry, to hydrate it, as well as to make it be water proof, and stay a little longer, before it drys up or blows away, or gets rained on and washed away, to last longer you know.
What can I do with Beaver oil? I just had to have it, as it was really interesting, and cheap too, but I have no idea what to do with it.
Mix with the Castor was my first thought. Beaver Castor and Beaver oil,
sound like they should go together too.
I would thing a Yote or a Cat, would expect to smell them together also.
Better than corn oil.
And I am sure any part of a Beaver smells good to just about anything.
50/50 or what proportions? I could mix it in with the dead Beaver meat in my freezer. Or with the next Hog I kill around here. Beaver and Hog?
Oh I forgot to mention Hog! I am sure to pop a Hog this fall early and have 100Lbs of bait from mr. Hog too!
I would presume as many ways as I could mix all the above together, would be the best use of all the weird smells. Mixing smells up at a set is whatI believe atracted my Cat last winter.
Help! 1. Oil
2. Oil and Castor
3. Mixed with the meat?
4. Beaver and Hog?
5. all mixed together in one big batch.
6. as many different smells as posible, from these ingredients?
7. Anise, Molasses?
Ya'll I will be hoping for some good input on this Scent making question. I am not new at trapping but lure making is really interesting to me now because, its september... what else is there to do?
Thanks Knife