There are several different scenerios for handgun hunting. A Sportsman's Firearms Permit is required for concealed carry in the field or in a motor vehicle. A hunter under 21 cannot get one of these so there is one obstacle. The law doesn't state that permits or licenses can be shared. There is a lot of gray area regarding posession of a handgun for anyone under 21. A hunter sharing his handgun with a minor in the field is under different circumstances than at the shooting range. The target is moving and the distance varries so it remains very uncontrolled. A DNR officer that is having a rough time in the area where you hunt, might have a much different perspective in judging the safety and responsibility issue of a 13 year old having a loaded handgun. DNR officers also have the latitude to enforce criminal codes, especially when children are involved. I would hate to lose my hunting privleges for something like..."Endangering the welfare of a child", "Commission of a crime with a handgun", "Contrtibuting to the delinquency of a minor", etc.