I and a friend hunted South Africa with handguns last fall. My friend showed his handgun and rifle to the South African police at the airport and got his permit except the police "forgot" to put his handgun on the permit. The moral of the story, check your permit for accuracy. Fortunately there were no problems resultant from this so the story had a happy ending.
You can't take a handgun into S. Africa for self defense, so it's best if it looks like a hunting weapon with scope, etc.
In my case, after showing them my handgun, it was entered as a "rifle" on the permit. A question for J. Hack, are handguns ever correctly referred to as rifles in S. Africa? I had a Thompson Center Contender with a scope a kid referred to as my "tiny rifle." One of my PHs also called it a rifle once but I thought that was just a mistake. In any case, I had no problem getting my handgun into or out of S. Africa a few months ago.