Hi sageman,
I think people in general get the wrong idea about the 375JDJ. It is a handcannon for sure, but a very manageable one with practice and technique. IMHO, any experienced handgun shooter who has shot the powerful revolvers or semi auto handguns or any of the stout Contenders/Encores "should" be also able to shoot a 375JDJ just fine. There is a learning curve on how to shoot it for sure - learn to roll with it and not fight it, but its bark is much worse than its bite. I'm on my 3rd 375, and its seldom I can get anybody at the range to "try a shot" after they've heard the thunder and seen the destruction of me shooting it. Usually, the best chance I have to get somebody to shot it is to do so before they've seen the blast or heard it roar. Many are surprised when they find out its really not that bad, but some do say once is enough. If you're not certain, simply buy one with a muzzle brake on it. That will teach you a new meaning for the term muzzle blast I assure you, but they do help tame the torque and make the recoil mostly just straight back and up. SSK's Arrestor is the most effective MB, better than either 4 port Mag-Na-Port or TC's. I've had them all on HC's, but my current 375 doesn't wear one at all. Another strong suggestion is that you get a Pachy Decelerator grip on it BEFORE your first range session. And if you like using a shooting glove, that will also help some (I don't use them though). It will have more recoil on the 4 1/2 pound Contender than your magnum hunting rifles do, but again, it is manageable pard. Another hint, start with lighter loads... maybe with 220 gr. pills at first and wait until you are comfortable before going to the 270's and 300's with max loads. Its a fun HC for sure, and it will draw a crowd at your local range every time you shoot it there. Its also a sledgehammer on bigger game if you're into elk, moose or the big bears for example. I shoot mine alot along with many other JDJ's one-handed, and 200 rounds in a range session doesn't give me a sore hand/elbow/shoulder. Hope some of these ramblings are useful to you. Good luck -
Larry :bye: