Welcome to the world of Contender's. There are many very nice and knowledgeable Contender users here that will always be glad to help you along, so step right up with any questions. If you are like most of us, you won't own just one Contender or Encore and are starting into what will become one of your most enjoyable shooting experiences. Been hooked on them since 1969 myself and I think a few here go back to when they first came out in 1967.
Frame wise, the so called easy open is the way to go with the original Contender frames. In blued frames that would be any of them with a serial number 195,000 or higher (all stainless are EO). Older ones can be modified to easy open by TC, but I think they charge something like $50-60 plus shipping to do it so you'd have to figure that into the cost. They can also convert the hammer to the better selector lever if its one of the several earlier slide/slot hammer models, but I don't know what they charge for doing that. Barrel wise, any original Contender or the newer G2 barrels will work on your original frame, but the older barrels with solid locking bolts usually need the split locking bolts installed in place of the solid ones. TC will send the bolts to you free for the asking and it is an easy job to change them out youself.
HTH, and good luck...
Ladobe :bye: