Author Topic: First Hunting Shot?  (Read 859 times)

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Offline Jim B.

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First Hunting Shot?
« on: September 03, 2004, 04:13:51 AM »
I have an ongoing debate with a friend I hunt with during the muzzle loading season.  The question is, while in hunting camp, should you clean your muzzle loader?

My position has been that my muzzle loader usually throws the first shot wide - once the bore is fouled the rifle groups consistently.  I will stop some miles away from our hunting camp and fire a single round into the dirt to foul the barrel the day before hunting and then do not clean the rifle before or during the hunting trip (3-4 days).  If possible, I also discharge my rifle in the evening an use a fresh load the next morning.

My friend believes that snapping off several caps is adequate to foul the bore and does not believe in using a fouling shot.  He is more concerned with making sure his rifle stays as clean as possible (a good thing) and believes wiping the bore with a patch before loading is adequate.

We are both using BP substitutes, he uses Pyrodex and I use T7 so immediate corrosion is not really a problem.  What do all of you do?

Jim B.

Offline sabotloader

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First Hunting Shot?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2004, 04:45:01 AM »
For me it all depends on the weather.  If it is a lousy wet day, which is really one of my favorite hunting days, I will damp clean the barrel and light coat it with a barrel treat.  But if, the weather is great, after that first shot I may never CLEAN IT again til the end of the season.  Again I will damp swab the barrel like I was at the range, in fact the same charge may rest in the barrel for a couple of weekends.

I am also using t7.
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Offline toecutter

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First Hunting Shot?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2004, 01:37:58 PM »
I use 777 also and don't clean for the season, only dry brush after my last zero-checking shot at the range. This also depends on the weather cooperating.

Offline Omega

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First Hunting Shot?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2004, 02:19:34 PM »
I shoot from a clean barrel. I just snap a 209 and load. My guns don't shift POI as they get dirty. If I shoot something I'll clean the gun that night in camp. Wet weather I don't worry about, I spent last week hunting and man it rained. 3" in a couple of days! 100% humidity everything was damp, but I pulled my plugs last night and the loads I pushed out were dry, I shot them at the range today and they chronod the same as the fresh loads.
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Offline dildine

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First Hunting Shot?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2004, 02:46:13 PM »
I, also, start with a clean barrel with a couple of caps popped through it before I load.  I use Pyrodex powder and have found the powder caked tight when I unloaded an unfired load with a bullet puller. I just don't think you can be too clean with a muzzleloader!!!  Guess I'm from the old school, but I've seen barrels pitted bad from improper cleaning.
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Offline fairchase

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First Hunting Shot?
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2004, 10:30:07 AM »
I run a spit patch after every shot at the range and my rifle will hold all shots including the first nice and tight.

For hunting I don't foul the barrel at all. I just load it clean, accuracy is great same as all the other shots.
My hunting weather is usually dry so I load it and leave it loaded my entire hunt (10 days) or until I kill a deer.
If I took a shot and missed I would clean it in camp within 24 hours, 777 or not, I like my rifles too much to risk it.

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Offline rebAL

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First Hunting Shot?
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2004, 12:38:08 PM »
I find 1 of the greatest advantages using 777 is the first shot out of clean barrel shoots to same poi as fouled  barrel.  I leave my load in for entire season if barrel is clean.  I may dry  patch the charged barrel or run down a patch with ballistol and then dry patch.  Fresh load every day is unnecessary IMHO.  I also tape the muzzle to keep debris & moisture out.

Offline Nic_58

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First Hunting Shot?
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2004, 03:46:43 PM »
Quote from: Omega
I shoot from a clean barrel.  My guns don't shift POI as they get dirty.

Same here.  Before my last range session the other day, I ran a couple patches of Butch's Bore Shine down my Omega barrel before leaving home to remove the Remoil.  I never shoot a primer before loading.  I loaded on an absolutely clean barrel and fired 3 shots, swabbing with Butch's Black Powder Bore Shine this time between shots.  Results.....a nice tight .550" 3-shot group @ 100 yds., three inches high right where it is sighted in for!  My Omega doesn't need a "fouling shot" which is a "good" thing! :wink: